This Note is a wonderful moment that does not require anything from you at all. You can just relax and allow your awareness to spread out beyond all your usual concerns and activities. On the other hand, if you want to be uptight and neurotic with some restless concern in your brain or mental background, then there is no point in anyone telling you to calm down and knock that stupid shit off. If you have to remain an asshole, then remain an asshole. You may be a driven biological robot that can't help it. But, if you are a conscious being with a free choice to be contemplative, this might be an opportune moment to blow your mind. Whatever your case may be, the next Note is about a new emergent issue of Note Zen.
Note Zen is not what you have been imagining about it so far. Please let this Fact dawn fully upon you.
Let us take it that you continue to read Notes and think about them for a reason that you yourself do not fully understand yet. Is this not so? If it is, would you like to now make a real effort to clarify your Notes Motivation for once and for all?
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