There is a psychological, consciousness-expanding aspect to Notes for anyone who lets themselves fully understand the Notes they read. You can let yourself experience anything more fully if you really want to. Even this Note has a lot more going on in it than most readers allow themselves to experience. Whatever your case happens to be here, you can also feel free to do your thing with the next Note.
Who is not seeking some magical advantage in life somewhere, somehow in something? But what exactly is a “magical advantage”? Do you understand this very question? Please look into the core of it before the next Note. The very idea of a “magical advantage” should not be left too vague. Why do you suppose so many people read Carlos Castaneda books? Why do you suppose so many people wish they could move their Assemblage Point to unusual new positions? Do you see how Notes can help you do that as a psychedelic effect?
Have you noticed that something very far out can happen when you truly suspend your usual activities and concerns? Perhaps you would like to let this Note do a little more for you than you usually allow a Note to do. Do you see how this works? If you do, then you realize that you do not need to keep your energy as low or constricted as you normally do. In fact, you can stop being as paranoid as you often are about all sorts of things that might go wrong.
This Note invites you into the full scope of what happens to you about Notes when you are between Note Sessions. Do not hesitate to jump in and get wet all over. Your experiencing of being you is going to be an awful lot more than your usual belief about it.
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