You will soon want to review something subtle but incredible that went on in your subconscious mind of your body when you tried to decide you understood this Note.
If you have read Sat Prem's, The Mind of the Cells about Auro-Mother's prolonged sadhana of Aurobindo Yoga of Supramental Transformation, you might connect with the simple fact that Notes are a means of Supramental Zen right in the cells of the body as demonstrated by the ancient Tibetan Master, Guru Rinpoche Padma Sambhava. On the other hand, you may be a poor, dumb ignoramus who has never heard about any of this, in which case you should open your mind and body to a wave of pity from the Lord of the Universe.
This brief Note is about a sudden cessation of brain activity if you decide to benefit.
Would you like this Note to fulfill an outstanding wish of yours? If so, just mentally say to yourself in your heart, “Oh Lord of the Universe, please do your thing for me about my wish so I will be a more happy Notes-reader in the future.” Be prepared to notice a fulfillment of your wish or the most important aspect of it.
Remember, you were a Notes-reader when the Lord of the Universe was incarnate on Earth and writing Notes for the poor, dumb little humanoid monsters of Earth who were insanely destroying themselves and their planet. He did this so that people like you might receive a special cognitive boost in your neuro-system for your Supramental Zen Potential. He also did this so that you would look more deeply into what happens in your subconscious mind during sex or even masturbation so that you could learn eventually some new positions of your assemblage point as taught by the Death Defier for Ultimate Enlightening Indulgence or the like.
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