Imagine that you are reading this Note on another planet. The computer and the screen are sitting on a stone table out on a shaded, roofed terrace of a cafeteria where a few of the local aliens are eating breakfast next to a hotel. The scene from the hilltop there is one of red sandy hills and blue shrubs of some kind stretching into the distance. The air is fresh, cool, comfortable and energizing with a strong oxygen content. The planet is more refreshing and happy than your present planet. You really like it, with or without Notes, but unfortunately the next Note is coming up. Suddenly you literally disappear from that place. Poof! You could almost weep that you could not stay there a long time. The faces of those aliens were so intelligent, kind and sensitive. It felt like they had their world more together than your world.
This Note is about the kinds of things you are usually considering in your life as well as things you usually do not consider in your life. This Note in fact is about how your mind works, which is not hard to see if you are really looking. Are you? Are you really ?
This Note is being read aloud to you at my kitchen table in my house in Lappland, which is on the edge of a beautiful lake and surrounded by forest. For you, it might as well be on another planet as compared to your present circumstance. As you listen deeply to this Note in yourself, you begin to realize what it is that is actually trying to wake up within you. You see something like the babe in the egg at the end of the movie 2001, A Space Odyssey. Then you think, “Am I just being romantic and foolish?” Then a voice deep within you says, “If you want the totally real thing, you have to make your move.”
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