Welcome to this Cosmic Note Session which is no longer fully cosmic because there are Note-readers from the Anti-cosmic planet Earth. The pitiful Earth-assholes just don't get it. They need about a million years of cycles of planetary crisis and conflict about their mutually wrong beliefs.
Welcome to this Gary Chicoine Note Session. Try to be rational about it. Avoid any neurotic judgments of any of the confusing Notes you may read Here and Now.
Welcome to this Notes Author Note Session. As you can probably see, only Cosmic People can cope with what is really happening Here Right Now.
The planet Earth is suffering terribly from inability to read this Note. Surely this is obvious to you.
Think of the real reason unreal People are total assholes who cannot get further and further into Notes. Why, for instance, do most readers of just this Note alone have a look on their face like a cob has been shoved up their ass? Corn cobs are not limited to the State of Nebraska in America. They are obviously everywhere on Earth.
This Note is rapidly shape-shifting into a cob.
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