Will you accept a little clue about this Note Session? Yes? Well, O.K. then, here it is: This first Note is not where this Note Session really began. You see, this Note Session began as a New Divine Effort in God to wake up some unknown readers of Notes. Therefore, if nobody knows how you yourself are actually reading this Note, you might awaken and see God.
The previous Note did not really happen for you because of your erroneous concept of God. Your only choice about all this remains your Great Moment of Failure to Awaken. It may turn out that this Note is not saying what it is saying because of something in your head. May We introduce you to a truly Cosmic God Who doesn't like your present approach to Notes?
This Note is superior to your opinion about it. It is even superior to your definition of “superior”. However, if you will allow this Note to fuck over your so-called “consciousness” you might suddenly get a sensation going up your spine beyond any possible sexual frustration or worry about money. You might even become a star Note-reader with some important new questions about all this beyond your inferiority.
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