Our extraterrestrial readers will be interested to know that the stupidity and self-deception of our Earthbound readers are virtually absolute. This unprecedented evolutionary stagnation is obviously the inevitable result of incompetent intergalactic planning. The next note may shed further light on this matter.
The typical Earthbound readers will imagine that this note does not apply to them, but to someone else.
This note is not about you. In fact, it is not about anyone. Try to understand this.
This note is obviously easy to forget. It will soon sink into eternal oblivion for you as if it never existed. You know this, so do not pretend that you are concerned about the real issues of this note. You are a genuine heedless fool, period. Sorry.
Would you like to read a Note that does not secretly criticize you the way this note is doing it?
Everyone has to face this note someday somewhere in a future life, but you do not have to wait. You can choose to fully face what this note is really about! Will you do it?
Wei Wu Wei, a British Zen philosopher, once said: “Turn the light on yourself, and, believe me, you’ll find nothing there.”
This note is all about you and nothing else.
This note-session will remain perfectly incomplete. Get used to it.
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