If you are in any way connected with the stupid Gurdjieff Work or people who studied under John G. Bennett, you are permanently disabled from benefiting in any way whatsoever from Notes or any of the Websites connected with all this. You have no idea how much that phony crap has damaged your spiritual potential beyond repair. If you are not connected with any of that Gurdjieff or Bennett nonsense but think we are being too tough on the poor dumb assholes who take that shit seriously, then you better leave too. Don't make us have to warn you again!
Notes are not for Sufi-connected idiots either! Notes cannot reach the tiny spark of cosmic intelligence in human beings who have fallen under the spell of Sufi pretensions of spiritual authority. Beware especially of that imposter, Qutub Sarmouni!
O.K. Now let's have some real Notes breakthrough beyond all those cognitively impaired pseudo-developers. Go ahead and unfold a new psychic power.
If you are not unfolding a New Psychic Power, you might not be too different from somebody in the Gurdjieff Work. If this is your pitiful state, why not just give up on Notes and stop belaboring your lack of development? Of course, if you don't mind it that you are unable to develop, continue your useless involvement in Notes or anything else your outer brain fancies.
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