There are total assholes who skip ahead to the latest Note Session “to see where it is all going”. Such idiots will never develop any intelligence whatsoever. But it doesn't hurt the veteran Notes Reader like yourself to register from time to time the absurd presence of such morons when you read a new Note Session.
There are of course veteran Notes Readers who have somehow been reading all the Note Sessions faithfully for years without breaking through into genuine higher intelligence. Many of them are silly emotionals connected with John G. Bennett “teachers”. They too will never get fuck-all from Notes, but they endlessly imagine that they do.
There are also people who have met the Notes Author personally at one time and been rejected as students, but imagine they can learn from Him by stealth by endlessly trying to cope with Notes, which can't help them. They too are deluded assholes.
There are also detractors of the Notes Author who come to Notes to misinterpret them on purpose as if they are “gathering evidence of what is wrong with the Notes Author”. They go bananas if I say something like “I am The Lord of the Universe”.
The Lord of the Galaxy feels like a speck of dust on the Holy Feet of the Lord of the Universe, but My detractors believe the Lord of the Universe is an insane crank with a “Messiah Complex”. That makes the Lord of the Galaxy a “deluded cult follower”.
Once we weed-out all the different kinds of assholes who come here, it does not leave many Notes Readers who actually benefit from all this. So ask yourself: “Am I a Notes-Reader-who really benefits?”
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