The beginning of this Note is in your seeing that it is available to be read and thought about. The end of this Note is when it is left behind you and no longer holds your attention. Neither the beginning nor the end of this Note is in this Note itself. The beginning and end are in the disposition of your own consciousness. This is also true of any event or situation in your world. Time is therefore an elemental function of your own consciousness. It is not that you read and think about a Note over a period of time. It is more like a portion of your Time reads and thinks about a Note. Time is living attention. Do you see it?
This entire Note Session will one day cause a lot of excitement among some philosophically minded colonists from Earth on an alien planet when one of them who is Icelandic hears the simple term Heimspeki. They will all say, “The Notes Author predicted this occasion somehow! But why?”
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