This Note will never agree with what you want it to mean. If you manage to learn something from this encounter, you will be very lucky indeed. This is particularly true for our Earthbound readers who remain stuck in prejudice, dullness and lack of initiative to Learn How To Learn.
Put the last Note so far behind you that you can feel a glowing point of progress must be alive somewhere in what might be your actual consciousness that reincarnates in one heedless personal lack of learning after another that you keep imagining is you as a struggling human being.
Since you are not yet real old and dying of cancer, you might as well fuck around with a few more Notes in the hope that you will live long enough to really want to Learn How To Learn.
Yes, child, hyper-people on other planets also read Notes, but not the way you try to do it. Take this Note, for instance....
Read this Note with such heavy seriousness that you feel your mind is becoming like a hot iron ball you have swallowed and can't throw up. Or if you cannot handle this Japanese Zen approach, start thinking of some movie you would like to watch that might inspire you to eat some hot buttered popcorn.
This entertaining Note is not for confused Earthlings or Martians of the Solar System.
Seekers in more than one galaxy are already asking, “What is Earth Zen and what does it do for Notes Readers?” Some learned committees are already forming because of this and asking, “Is this latest madness from the Earth actually of any real use? Or is it just another cognitive fad?”
The Ultimate Notes Reader in the Universe was recently asked if the Earthlings will now survive and develop because of Notes. He answered, “If they fail to survive and develop, they will never even begin to take up Notes.”
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