Please do not become depressed or upset when this or that Note makes you see how dull and heavy you are in your Zen Potential. The important thing is to just cheer up and keep going somehow. Then, suddenly, one fine day, your life as a subhuman emotional idiot will have a flash of insight into the “Meaning of Life” or some other eternal theme of would-be Thinkers. After that, you might start reading Martin Heidegger and Wei Wu Wei/Terence Gray. Then, after those deep studies, Notes might really begin to work for you.
Extraterrestrial Zen works differently than Earthbound California Zen because it doesn't make people feel unlucky that they were not born as Japanese people. Nor do people believe they are “advanced” by simply being born elsewhere than Earth. There are of course dull subhuman daydreamers in vast numbers who cannot do well with Note Zen because they were born on Earth. But don't worry about that.
It is probably safe now for you to wish you could have a greater perspective on the development of higher awareness on Other Planets. Not all beings share your daily inner pressures that make Notes Enlightenment virtually impossible.
Now and then on Earth, a Notes Reader will begin to hope that another “Friends of the Notes Author” Web-forum will arise that might get personal attention from the Notes Author. But do not fall into that horrible trap! It is far better to enter genuine ability to learn through Notes.
People wonder why the Notes Author does not create a Notes Web-forum for the same reason that dogs wonder why people don't bark at the Moon.
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