What is most thought-provoking in our thought-provoking time is that we are still not thinking.
— Martin Heidegger
The above statement by Heidegger could easily be treated as a wonderful example of a Note. Don't you agree? But is it a Note you urgently need to confront at this time? If so, why? If not, why not? What is it with you about Possible Thinking? You know, multitudes of thoughtless, mediocre German people to this day would assert that their man, Heidegger, was really thinking, but their very nature tells us that their judgment is faulty about that even if Heidegger really was thinking. So now I, the Notes Author, have to ask you: Does Gary Chicoine do real thinking? Also, is there consequently real thinking in Notes?
This Note is asking you if you ever do real thinking(?) Do you really even sincerely want to do real thinking in spite of your wretchedly low capacity for it?
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