This Note is about a wholly new approach to immediate and direct Cosmic Self-awakening beyond your usual effort to come up with it from within what you believe is yourself.
Are you now Supremely Self-awake? Of course not. If the answer were “Yes” would you have continued reading this Note in search of new ideas about it?
You are now deeply asleep in this Note, but there is no slogan here that says, “You must awaken!” Enjoy your refreshing sleep. May it give you tremendous energy for further discoveries about your efforts.
Are you comfortable in this particular Note Session? Is it working out to your satisfaction? Do you feel stimulated enough?
This Note offers you whatever meaning you believe it has for you even if it isn’t the real meaning.
No matter how you tackle this Note, there will still be a delayed confusion you did not expect. When it hits you, try to remain perfectly calm. It would even be useful to let yourself feel quite drowsy and tired, to just close your eyes and hope this is the final Note of the Session.
This is the final Note of the Session, but you do not have to be sleepy or confused.
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