We are almost at the end of three years of Note Sessions. A few people have been through everything. Even fewer have entered into Cosmic Consciousness. Of course, the Zordungles have had a hell of a good time, but it is hard for our readers to picture that as relevant. Unknown entities of the Unknown are rather difficult for stupidly emotional daydreamers on the one hand or brainy intellectuals on the other. So, we might as well go on to the next Note without a clue about this Note.
We have stopped criticizing people who skip ahead to the latest Note Sessions. Why? Because such people do not benefit from hearing the truth of what is wrong with them. If the shoe….
O.K., now this Note will zoom your mind into a new location in the Unknown where your usual thoughts about all this cannot possibly help you feel what you want to feel.
Please do not be discouraged that this Note has to tell you to not be discouraged. It is just a slight warning that you have been going a little mad lately. Surely you can see it and make a midcourse correction about your attitude toward learning.
How wonderful that you want to read this Note with a clear head! The entire Universe will feel better about you now. “No chain is stronger than its weakest link”, as the saying goes.
It is time to say goodbye to this Note Session. Try not to be upset that you are a member of an inferior human species in the Universe.
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