If you do not fully and comprehensively enter into this particular Note, you will have to remain a boring person living a dull life day after day with flat energy. Now, “wake up and smell the coffee”! Your lack of real awareness, original thinking and magical energy are killing you slowly on an insane planet.
If you do not discover two or three radically different meanings of this Note, you have zero evolutionary learning potential. There are highly intelligent Extraterrestrials who do tap into the Earth Internet and learn from translated Notes, or, sometimes even directly in English. No agent of any government on Earth can understand Notes and not immediately quit his or her job. This Note therefore embraces a full spectrum of issues about it. This Note, in fact, is just like a big corncob up the ass of any idiotic “normal” person who skipped ahead to this Note Session at random. Isn’t that funny?
This bonus Note is for any reader who deeply feels that his or her psycho-magical survival depends on always, regularly, having meaningful discussions about life with more than one sex partner without being members of a stupid cult and without being insensitive or hurting any partner’s deepest feelings. Clearly, there are few “bonus” readers here.
This extreme Note is about your lack of meaningful discussion you have even with your husband or wife in your sexually guarded marriage. There is more than one thing missing in the lives of meaningless and insecure people. Even when they eventually breakdown and fuck others, no real meaning or magic develop. Human beings of the planet Earth are spiritually dead and morally inconsequential in any kind of relationship or arrangement. Their impure and undeveloped bodies simply breed diseases and rapidly die under a cosmically short lifespan.
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