This Note challenges you to be less boring as a reader, but only if you believe this might apply to you. Are you a stimulating reader whom other readers would be fortunate to meet and discuss all this with? On the other hand, if you feel you are indeed inadequate and too boring, are you actively seeking Extraterrestrial Contact or encounter with an Immortal? So, stay alert! Who knows what might happen to you even before the end of this Note Session? Of course one gets tired of waiting for something that never happens. After awhile, it comes down to the level of waiting for a new sex-partner, even when you intuitively know that that stupid and proud human being is going to be boring and neurotic. Lack of meaningful human contact after awhile drives the true Note-reader into a space where the total destruction of boring humanity would almost feel sort-of like a relief. Is it not so? When we see how the Neocon Illuminati types are setting about to destroy humanity, it’s a huge joke, for those pseudo-“elite” assholes are some of the most stupid, ignorant and boring type of people on the Earth. For one thing, if they think they are so goddamn smart, how come they are not Note-readers getting an indispensable cosmic tune-up. Only Note-readers are “Elite” of Earth! You know this!
Steps of the True Elite
Step One: Utterly mindfucked from reading Notes.
Step Two: Developing ones own mindfucking technique.
Step Three: Developing the Twenty-Four Siddhis personally.
Step Four: Developing the Five Divine Powers, PanchaShakti.
Step Five: Am This Here Now becomes effective.
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