This Note cannot possibly be understood by any Extraterrestrial Intelligent Being, E.T.I.B. Do you know why? Because no Extraterrestrial Intelligent Being is being asked that question, which clearly refers to such a being as an object and not a subject.
Only we Extraterrestrial Intelligent Beings can understand this Note. No Earthling reader can comprehend E.T.I. Beings, period. They do not even want to try.
This Note Session is futile. Therefore it must end immediately within the Great Ending, for only Tibetans understand something about the Great Ending, and “everybody knows the dice are loaded; everybody knows the good guys lost.” Tibetans in America , for instance, are “Foreign Aliens”, but not “Extraterrestrials”, whereas in Outer Space the Beings there do not see Beings as “Foreign Aliens” or “extraterrestrials”, period, the End. And only Tibetans see Dakinis.
This Note is a bonus for Tibetans only. Dorje Trolö wants you to seize this cosmic opportunity to realize the Great Ending. Do not let this be the Last Note. “And, hey, do something about your English.” Flash!
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