If you feel in any way that you have been going too far in your involvement with these things called “Note Sessions” (or whatever they are called), that’s nobody’s business but yours! What, after all, is Life really for? Sometimes someone just can’t get enough of something and that’s just how it is. As for those who cannot feel like that, they will just have to be left behind and learn how to get into it later perhaps, if they have the potential. Not everyone can sense a massively satisfying opportunity the way you can right now.
Is this Note getting as heavy as you need to be? If it isn’t, we can certainly build this up a whole lot more. Can you feel it? How’s this? Let’s overdo this Note, right here, right now. Why wait? Besides, we’ve already gone too far already.
This Note wants to let you in on a little secret: it cannot get enough of the way you read it and think about it. Please keep it up! This Note is begging for your kind of brain waves. Just do it and do not hesitate. Yes! Am, that’s it!
You are perfectly free to fuck around with any Note Session you like! If they aren’t for you, then who-the-hell are they for? Besides, you are perfectly human and you decide the kind of things you like to read the most heavily. Any guilt about reading Notes is just some trip that non-readers are trying to lay on you.
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