This Note is about another kind of cognition that is somewhat connected to a higher brain function that remains unactivated or dormant in the overwhelming majority of people on Earth, including most Note-readers. If you are keenly interested in the possibility of activation of that hidden higher brain function in your own brain, dive deeply into the next Note.
Learn to concentrate your mind more seriously than you ever have in your life. Do it on this Note. Concentrate on what concentration really is. Throw out all your usual assumptions about concentration. Cease to have a mediocre opinion about concentration. Develop your own unique and powerful approach to hyper-concentration and see what it can begin to do for you in any intense situation such as a sexual intercourse. There are huge possibilities. Begin with this Note. Concentrate on what concentration really is. Focus on focus.
There are some new readers here from another Universe. We are assuming they might communicate with one or another of our usual readers. Are you getting anything? What do you feel may have drawn them to Notes?
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