Sevenfold Kriya Yoga

Sevenfold Kriyayoga is a powerful system of mantric breathing through seven circuits of our human body for acceleration of our personal evolution without having to wait for heedless, distracted and materialistic collective humanity to have a spiritual awakening.  In fact, it is a way of counteracting the horrible vibrations of evil and corruption on the Earth by learning to counteract them with individual, private and positive vibrations of our own.


This Sevenfold Kriyayoga is a Divine Gift that has been given out in a series of transmissions over time through highly advanced Mahayogis, Siddhas, of the Himalayan regions in particular.  As Shiva, Kalki Avatar, so to speak, it is My Sacred Duty to fulfill the development of the sacred technique of Kriyayoga for all awakening genuine individuals who can and should make use of it without prejudice or pretence.  Therefore, whoever repeats the Sevenfold Kalki Shree Vidya Mantras through Kriyayoga breath-circulations and Fire Purification will also draw down Mahakundalini Shaktipat, Divine Blessing and Empowerment.

Fire Purification 

The best situation or personal, private environment for this Yoga is a sauna of one’s own to utilize great heat for detoxification of one’s physical body in conjunction with the raising of Quantum Kundalini Energy in the atomic structure of one’s body.  Modern living on the Earth fills the human body with heavy elements and poisons that inhibit the development of higher energy and perception, which keeps people nothing but heavy, brainy and empty talkers and socializers about spiritual subjects.  Some cynical fools even speak cleverly and haughtily against Fire Purification, Mantra and Conscious Breathing, so that they destroy their own Divine Potential and mislead others.


One bonus of Fire Purification plus Kriyayoga is that continued habits of meat-eating, coffee-drinking, junk food and the like are not as debilitating because in addition to detoxification, one develops a personal power, a siddhi, of Transmutation which changes the atomic elemental character of heavy and impure elements in one’s body.  In addition to this, one’s habitual drive or physical craving for heavy and poisonous food and drink, cigarettes, and so on, gets itself gradually eliminated without having to get in a big fight with one’s physical so-called “self”.  This also includes some transmutation of heavy and impure elements absorbed or imbibed from a heavy, dull, spiritually heedless sex-partner.  Even crude psychic vibrations from a lovable idiot in your life can be somewhat transmuted if you do not yourself agree to be a stupid, distracted mentality of superficial considerings and idle talk about nothings.


Another benefit of Kriyayoga practice in a sauna is that it can over time prevent and even cure cancer if one is no longer physically imbibing heavy elements, impurities and poisons.


Traditionally, Amerindian Medicine People have known the benefits of sacred chanting in the Sweatlodge even without Kriyayoga breathing and visualization.  This is also somewhat true with native peoples of the Scandinavian and Asian Arctic, where they have had saunas for millenniums.



Sauna Schedules and Privacy


Due to the length of time it takes in the intense heat of the sauna to complete seven rounds of 108 beads of rudraksha berries, one should divide the time into three consecutive saunas followed by in-between showers.  Each of these saunas of about twenty minutes each should contain:

A: Physical exercises plus the First Kriya.

B: The Second, Third and Fourth Kriyas.

C: The Fifth, Sixth and Seventh Kriyas.


In addition to all these internal considerations, it should be obvious that the sauna one uses for all this is best as one’s own private, dedicated and sanctified personal space.  A public sauna used by shallow, impure idiots has bad vibes and inhibits Yoga.


The Posture For Kriyayoga 

The posture does not have to be anything official like Lotus Posture.  All that really matters is that your spine be erect and straight, not slouching.  Your feet can be flat on the floor.


Mantra and Cosmic Value Vibrations 

According to the Ancient Hindus, Mantra is the Shree Vidya, Sacred Science, which indeed it is.  But it is not limited to Sanskrit and Hindu conditioning or belief.  In Universal Cosmic Language, every letter, every consonant and vowel, in any language has a Universal Cosmic meaning, value and real vibration.  When we control our own meanings, values and vibrations, all the Divine Power in the Universe can enter our being on all levels for good self-change to fulfill our harmonious aspirations.


The Sevenfold Shree Vidya Mantras we are recommending are based mostly on Sanskrit (though not always), but were based on Divine Cosmic Value Expressions, which makes them incredibly useful for non-Hindus undertaking self-development.  The Cosmic Value equations over-rule the Sanskrit language as such!  This is a great achievement of God-conscious Yogis utilizing Sanskrit frameworks!  It has kept India at the heart of Science of Mantra for thousands and thousands of years.  In each mantric syllable we use for Kriyayoga breath-circulation, I will briefly describe the Divine-Cosmic-Power-Meaning-and-Valuation so the practitioner can perform full-value self-enrichment of mind and body in the Yoga.


Conscious Breathing


Conscious breathing is a profound personal action within one’s mind and body for purposes of self-development in the Divine Universe of the all-pervading Spirit or God.  Virtually all the world’s spiritual traditions and occult schools have always made use of techniques of Conscious Breathing, often derived directly or indirectly from Hindu and Buddhist methodologies, but not always.


Conscious Breathing carries Sacred Mantra vibrations for atomic and cellular transformation into the deepest layers of subconsciousness in the human body.  Conscious Breathing is an indispensable means of Divine Self-realization of our mind, life-energy double and the physical body itself.  Those seekers who imagine that mere intellectual convictions or emotional outbursts will give them higher human evolution are missing a major pragmatic understanding of the mind-body relationship of mental and incarnate consciousness and Spirit.  So called “wise” and “advanced” famous “teachers” who have spoken against Conscious-Breathing-With-Mantra are ultimately nothing but ignorant and vainglorious charlatans, such as Krishnamurti, the Theosophical False Messiah.  In actual fact, Conscious-Breathing-With-Mantra is utilized by truly wise people on infinite planets throughout our Twelvefold Time-Space Universe Cluster.  One of the great contemporary tragedies of keeping Earth and Humanity isolated is the lack of Cosmic Value Language for Mantra plus the lack of objective collaboration and confirmation of obvious techniques of Divine Self-realization of Human Beings.


Breath Circulation Visualization As Kriyashakti 

Kriyashakti, Action Power, is a basic Divine Power of any Godself to do or materialize anything visualized with full concentrated awareness.  When one visualizes the course of mantric power vibration through one’s neurosystem for transformation, one is a beginner Godself learning to use Divine Kriyashakti.  One begins to be a God with one’s own physical body!  This is a pragmatic Divine and Cosmic Fact, which was taught by Herakhan Babaji Gorakhnath (now My son, personally) to Lahiri Mahasaya who taught it to all His illustrious disciples or Kriyabans in Nineteenth Century India.


Channels of Kriya Visualization in Taoist Yoga


In China, the Taoist Immortals taught visualization breathing circuits in the body, but without Mantra(s).  The non-use of Mantra in esoteric China has always been a great inhibition to the human development, but the development of Kriyashakti through visualized breathing has nonetheless been very powerful indeed.  In fact, this aspect had been more developed among Taoist Yogis than among Tibetan, Hindu and Sufi Yogis.


In My Kriyayoga School, the Chinese visualization circuits are used with some modifications.  In this respect, Kriyayoga Development Science is still evolving at this point in Human History.  In future, as Kriyayogis go about in the Galaxy and the Universe, contact will be made with Extraterrestrial Yoga Schools that will undoubtedly refine all this much further.  Even our Earth-based Human Immortals will learn!  The advanced will become even more advanced; the great will become greater; the truly wise will become even wiser!



Utilizing the Rudraksha Rosary


Any kind of rosary for Kriyayoga is quite doable, but ideal for future additional methodologies is a Rudraksha Rosary, which one should try to procure.


The basic use of the rosary is simple.  One does an inhalation with each bead in turn held by one’s right thumb and index finger.  For the exhalation, the bead is passed from right to left to the left thumb and index finger.  Thus each bead gets a double Chinmudra of Dakshinamurti, which symbolizes direct connection of Thumb (the Fifth Level of Awareness) with the Index Finger (the Fourth Level of Awareness).  This means the Paramatman, Supreme Self, is directly linked to the Atman, Self.  This reminds oneself that one is performing a divine rite of the Divine in connection with the Supradivine.  So, every little bit helps at each mini-step of the procedure!



The First Kriya Mantric Circulation


In the First Kriya, a long, slow inhalation takes place with the mental sound “KAW” visualized as coming from the bottoms of one’s feet and the palms of one’s hands simultaneously and entering into one’s central spinal channel upward all the way to the Lalana Chakra, Secret Center, at the back of one’s head, which is the visual assemblage center at the back of the human brain. 


In Divine Cosmic Value Language, the seed-syllable “KAW” means Higher Life or Immortality.  That is one reason the Crow or Raven has always been a symbol of Immortality among the old Aryan people and the Vikings.  In ancient India, Ka Bhusundi was The Immortal as an ancient Raven Man.  Valmiki wrote at length about this in the Maharamayana.  I myself came into contact with Ka Bhusundi and four other immortal extraterrestrial Raven Supermen some years ago.  These beings are not a mere myth.  They are Galactic Time-Spanners, El people, who have transmitted principles of Yoga to advanced Earth people from the beginning of Human Time on Earth.  Hence, “KAW” is very auspicious First Kriya Inhalation.


Once the “KAW” is fully inhaled and stopped in the Center-at-the-back-of-one’s-head, the Lalana Chakra, one then mentally intones there a brief, poignant “HAM-SAH” (pronounced hum-suh).  “HAM-SAH” means “ham”, “subjectively” plus “sah” “objectively”; subjectively objective, objectively subjective.  In Sanskrit, “I am That”, “I am Brahman”.  In Divine Cosmic Language you are confirming the non-duality of all visual perception at the back of your head.


Now, after “KAW” inhalation culminating in “HAMSAH” at the back of the head, Lalana Chakra, your mind goes up infinitely overhead to join with the macrocosmos, the total universe, as the syllable “KYOO in Cosmic Language, which means “KY” as “transcendental” “OO “awareness”, “consciousness”.  So, with breath held in overhead, there is “KYOO”, Transcendental Awareness.


The entire inhalation upward and overhead Mantra is thus:



Then comes the Supramental Descending Mantra “KLEE” from overhead, down the front of the spine, down the arms to the palms and down the legs to the bottoms of the feet, all simultaneously.  In Divine Cosmic meaning and value, this is “KL”, “sky”, “heaven” or “column” , as in “erect serpent”.  “EE” is “sound” or “vibration”, “pulsation” (spanda in Sanskrit).  It is thus “sky-vibration”, “cosmic, universal vibration or sound” coming down as the Supreme Serpent Power or Blessing, Mahakundalini Shaktipat, throughout one’s head, body and limbs.


Then there is a brief pause of mentally intoned “HREEM-SHREEH mirroring the previous “HAM-SAH”.  “H = subjective.  “S” = objective.  “R = positive, fiery, energetic, dynamic.  “EE” = sound, vibration.  “REE” = intense, dynamic, willful energy or fire.  “HREEM = subjectively, intensely willful vibration or sound.  “SREEH = objectively, intensely, dynamically vibratory or energetic.  “HREEM-SREEH”, “Nondual intensely energetic vibration or spanda”.  This Mantra is struck in one’s Life-center, Prana Chakra, in the lower stomach just below the level of the navel.  In man, it corresponds to the seminal vesicle, in woman to the center of the womb.  It is the Father or Mother Source-of-Life place in one’s body.


From there, with breath held out, there is pervasion below of the entire Microcosmos of atoms of one’s body through the microcosmic gateway at the base of the spine as the Mantra “KRE” (pronounced as “cray” in “crayon” or “crate”).  In Cosmic Language, “KR” = High Positive Force or “Super” plus “E” (ay) = Matter, substance.  Hence, “KRE” (cray) means “Supermatter” which implies transmuted matter in each atomic nucleus and heightened quantum energy (Kundalini Shakti) of each electron of each bodily atom.


The downward exhalation and holding out of breath in the Microcosmos is thus the descending exhalation mantric series of “KLEE + HREEMSHREEH + KRE”.


This First Kriya Mantric Circulation is also a stand alone Yoga that can be practiced for awhile at any time outside the sauna with great empowerment.  It is itself Mahakriyayoga, Great Divine Action Yoga.



A Word of Caution


In all Kriyas, the breathing should be deep and full, but gentle, not forceful.  Also, when holding the breath in or out, it should not be for too long.  One mistake often made by beginners is that they start out too forcefully.  Knowing the tremendous power of Kriyayoga, they then decide they want “rapid progress” and big results right away.  So they breathe too forcefully and hold the breath in or out too long.  Instead of gradually developing their breathing capacity, they injure their heart and lungs.  One sign that one is doing too many Kriyas too forcefully, is that the lungs get sore accompanied by heart pains.  Such pains or soreness are a warning to be more gentle and patient without making such a physical interpretation of a subtle practice.  Things go wrong for forceful and ambitious physical egomaniacs who need (A) Deeper and higher intellectual Self-inquiry and (B) Respect and devotion toward the Divine Being and Self-realized Yogis and Siddhas of India, the Sufis, Tibetans and Chinese Taoists, Zen Masters, and so on.



Evolutionary Implications


One Kriya Breathing Cycle up the back of the spine and down the front of the spine is the equivalent of one year of natural physical evolution of the Earth orbiting the Sun with a completely pure body.  It will take Humanity a million years of physical purity and ethical living to fully evolve and become collectively established in Immortal Life and Divine Light.  Without physical purity and ethical living, Humanity is not evolving and developing higher awareness at all!


So, one basically needs purity, ethical perfection or harmonious attitude and a million Kriya Breathing Cycles to fully evolve.



The Second Kriya Mantric Circulation


This Kriya, just like the First, the inhalation upward is from the bottoms of the feet and the palms of the hands, goes up the legs and arms into the spine and arrives at the Secret Center at the back of the head.  The inhalation Mantra this time is “SO’HAM KAW”.  In Sanskrit, the meaning of “So’ham” is the same as “hamsah”, which is “I am That”, though “So’ham” can also mean “I am He”.  In Cosmic Value Communication, however, the term “So’ham” shifts quite a bit.  The vowel “o” (oh, long o, full o)  means “feeling, emotion or heart”.  Hence “So’ham” means “objective feeling is subjective”.  “Kaw” of course still means “higher life, immortality”.  “So’ham Kaw” as inhalation thus roughly means:  “Nondual boundlessly objective feeling is subjective immortality”.  This affirms the deathless quality of the Spirit, the Divine Self, the Atman


Then, again, there is a brief confirmative “HAMSAH” at the Secret Center at the back of the head.  Beyond that, overhead, with the breath held in, there is only silence.  So, the inhalation and retention series is now, “SO’HAM KAW + HAMSAH + (SILENCE)”.


The Supramental Descending Mahakundalini Shaktipat exhalation Mantra is still “KLEE” as before, going from overhead down the front of the spine and coming to rest at the Life Center just below the navel in the lower stomach.  But from there on down, the breath is held out in silence.  So we get the series “KLEE + (SILENCE)”.


The emphasis here is on Nondual Silence or Divine Chit-Shakti, Awareness Power.


As with the First Kriya there should be 108 inhalations and exhalations of this Second Kriya as well.



Understand the Interface of Mantra and Silent Awareness


Mantra is Shakti/Power and Silent Awareness is Shiva/Godself.  This core internal or spiritual nonduality, both Macrocosmically Overhead and Microcosmically Underneath, is the Lordship over all levels of subject-object nonduality.  The Vertical Reality is Absolute, whereas all Horizontal Realities through bodily vehicles of degrees of subtlety are all Relative.


The Pratyaya-Shakti, Meaning Power, of the Second Kriya Mantra and Silence is immense and should not be underestimated.  The greater the intelligence and awareness with which one performs the Sevenfold Kriya Yoga, the deeper and more extensive the results.  When beginners are too forceful and hurt their lungs coupled with being dull and meaningless with merely dead and unconscious repetitions of Mantra they give all this a bad reputation.  The problem then is not with Kriya Yoga itself, but with the low quality of the practitioners or would-be yogis (male) or yoginis (females).  Even the highest and best personal evolutionary methods can be rendered dangerous or useless by typically mediocre and shallow spiritual seekers.  But usually there will be nothing of consequence happening because most people are of the silly mentality that says, “I’ll try it and see if it works”.  What they mean is that if they try a few rounds of mantric breathing and it does not soon get them on a LSD sort of 2001 Space Odyssey trip with lights, bells and whistles, they will say, “Oh yeah, I tried that Kriya Yoga stuff and it didn’t work”.



The Third Kriya Mantric Circulation


This Kriya begins the inhalation with the mental sound of “KLEE” coming up the spine from the base of the spine up to the spinal Heart Center in the middle of the chest where a brief “HAWM-SAWH” is included there as nondual life, relief or bliss.  The inhalation continues with more “KLEE” going up to the Secret Center at the back of the head where at the end of inhalation there is a “LAW” mentally sounded there followed by overhead SILENCE as in the Second Kriya.


These upward two “KLEE” seed-syllables represent the arising of Quantum Kundalini Shakti from the Silence Below.  This also includes the “Boost of the Earth” as explained by the Mexican Nagual Seers, as in the Castaneda book, The Fire From Within.  And of course every superficial seeker in the West and in India has heard of the “arising (or raising) of Kundalini” without the slightest knowledge of what it means, which is the raising of quantum energy levels of the atoms in the human body.  When one does the two arising inhalation “KLEE” syllables, it is self-arising of Kundalini which will trigger a descending exhalation “KLEE” as Grace Empowerment from the Silence Above.


The syllable “LAW” at the back of the head in Cosmic Language means “surrounding or containment of life or bliss”.  It also means Law or Lord (Divine Governance or Cosmic Order) in English, Arabic and other languages.  It also implies God or Goddess in this sense. 


The inhalation including the breath held in overhead is thus:



There follows a long descending “KLEE” from overhead down to the lower belly Life Center followed by SILENCE below as in the 2nd Kriya Mantric Circulation.


This is all primarily a Kriya of raising and lowering Kundalini Shakti, but the “HAWMSAWH is Nondual Ananda-Shakti Bliss-Power of the Godself Awakening at the Heart.  Hence, Parashakti, Super-Power, radiates as Kundalini Shakti in the human body.  So it is only by the judgment of the Supreme Deity Guru and His Power that Kundalini Shakti is awakened and circulated in the physical body of a human being.  Without the Blessing and Presence of the Supreme God, particularly as Sadguru, nothing will really happen with the Mantra.  If one is proud and closed with a hard, selfish heart, the Divine Being cannot be tricked into cooperating with the Kriyayoga Technique.  Respect and Devotion are prerequisite to success in Divine Yoga.


Outwardly, the Sevenfold Kriyayoga appears to be a do-it-yourself kit for proud and selfish occult manipulators who want to force a rapid God-realization and Siddhis so they can impress people and get cooperation for their desires and ambitions.  But inwardly, in the Higher Realms, that is just an appearance.  When the motives are not right and harmonious, all this becomes dangerous and useless, as I will continue to point out.


The Third Kriya Mantra is The Goddess, is Shakti, Power, more than any other, though all Mantra(s) are the Goddess of Power in essence.  This should itself be meditated on.


108 breathings of this Kriya Mantra can become especially exhilarating and ecstatic for an open-hearted devotee of The Goddess.  In fact, if this does not become noticeable, the Mantra is not alive and blessed, but is just mechanical and dull, lacking Spirit.  Any “spiritual” technique without Spirit is an obvious contradiction in terms.



The Fourth Kriya Mantric Circulation


This Kriya begins as an upward inhalation from the Life-Center in the lower belly up through the two lymph channels up to both your armpits that are aligned with the Heart Centers on the left and right side of your chest.  The ascending mantra is:

KAW + E + I(EE) + LAW” which means “Immortal Matter Vibration Goddess”.  Then there is the pause-of-silence with breath held in.  But this silence is not overhead, but in the heart region, particularly behind your body in the Assemblage Point, the Bubble of Perception.


Then comes a Descending Exhalation of the seed syllable “KLEE” down both your arms to the centers of your palms from your armpits, followed by holding your breath out, again in your Assemblage Point.


From the Divine point of view, what you are doing here is learning to exercise you real Free Will of your Godself, your Divine Iccha Shakti, Svatantrya.  It could even be called a Crowley Thelema (True Will) exercise of being-a-star, which Inner Star is Shilbaa, which is the simple Anglicization by the author Kenneth Grant in his book, Outer Gateways, of the female Shiva as Shivaa.  Kenneth Grant is himself a reincarnation of a Kali worshipping Kaula Tantra Yogi of Bengal.  He endlessly called out to Shakti Goddess as Lady Shivaa, which in Bengali is pronounced Shibaw.  Of course, he is himself a typical amnesiac soul and does not remember this.  He too through English Magick studies continued with Indian Kaula left-hand Tantra, taking his development of Icchashakti further.


108 rounds of this does not merely produce Free Will, but is rather the immediate exercise of IT!   This should be kept in mind.  It helps dislodge your Normalcy Demon, the Mahaghora that keeps you stuck in your conditioning and mechanically habitual false free will.


Now, if you are doing a full 108 rounds of 2nd, 3rd and 4th Kriya, you will want to step out of the sauna and take a cool shower again before getting back in to do 108 rounds each of the 5th, 6th and 7th Kriya(s).


There is however another workable option in all this which is to do 24 breathing rounds of each Kriya and do all seven Kriya(s) in one sitting in the sauna.  This approach is also extremely powerful, even though condensed.  It can be done when you do not feel up to three saunas in a row with 108 rounds for each Kriya.  Also, it is best for beginners to do 24 rounds per Kriya for the first year until the capacity of heart and lungs are built up.  Then later on one could do one day per week with 108 rounds per Kriya to further build up capacity for another year.  One needs patient determined harmony.



The Fifth Kriya Mantric Circulation


Inhale from the palms of your hands up to your armpits with the Mantra “HA (huh) + SA (suh) + KA (kuh) + LA (luh)”, which means in Cosmic Language, “non-dual celestial presence”.  Then pause in Inner Silence.


Then exhale with the seed-syllable, “HREENG from your armpits down to your own physical center-of-gravity in your Life-Center, again followed by a pause of Outer Silence.


This Kriya Mantric Circulation energizes and incarnates your own Divine Power of Knowing, of Pure All-knowing Intuition, as it were.  This is itself the Seeing of Shakti, Power, in whatever way She is working as well.  You are going from Hands On Direct Will-power to Hands Off Seeing of Power coming from Higher Divine Sources than Your Own Divinity.



The Sixth Kriya Mantric Circulation


This inhalation goes from the Life Center up to your solar plexus with the Mantra “HA (huh) + SA (suh) KA (kuh) + HA (huh) + LA (luh) + INNER SILENCE” pause followed by “SREE-HEE” down your legs to the soles of your feet.  That ending “HEE” is just a brief echo of the long “SREE” all the way down the legs from the solar plexus.


The solar plexus region is where the main nerves and arteries of the legs meet.  It is the Action Center of the human body.  It is where abilities-of-action are centered.  Cosmically, this Kriya Mantra of the Sixth Circulation represents Kriya Shakti, which is the Power to Do or Create anything.  It is Pragmatic Divine Omnipotence, the kind of Power of a “Q” being that impresses outer human beings the most.  It also represents the development of the famous Twenty-Four Siddhis or Miraculous Abilities.



The Seventh Kriya Mantric Circulation


This inhalation goes up the insides of your legs to your Life Center with the mantra “SA (suh) + KA (kuh) +LA (luh)” ending in a silent pause in the Life Center.  Then the exhalation is the seed syllable “KREE going down from your Life Center into the whole of your sex organ.  This is the channel of sexual orgasm, the self-triggering of ecstatic contact with your Godself, Shivatma.


KREE” itself is the seed-syllable of the Goddess Kundalini Devi.  In Cosmic Language, “KREE means, “Super-vibration”.


When you do this Seventh Kriya, you strengthen your sexual power and learn the personal logic of Tantra Yoga, which means you free yourself of repressive false morality and learn real ethics of honest sexual arrangement with your main partner or spouse about who has sex with whom.  Also, this is where you experience the connection between Dependent Pleasure and Independent Bliss.



The 5th, 6th and 7th Kriya Mantras


The last three Kriya Mantras were given to humanity by the Immortal Sage Agastya Muni, an Extraterrestrial Cosmic Teacher of the advanced planet that orbits the star Sirius B.  Sirius B, a white dwarf, itself orbits around Sirius A, which orbit is approximately fifty (50) Earth years.  This explains why Agastya Muni is said to be a humanoid dwarf who arrives on the mountain, Agastya Malai, every fifty years in South India, from which location he gives instruction to the most advanced Yogis of Tamil Nadu, Kerala and South India in general.  This is reputed to be going on now for over Fifty-Thousand Earth Years!


So, we can say that, ha sa ka la hreeng + ha sa ka ha la sree-hee + sa ka la kree is the ancient Agastya Sree Vidya or Holy Mantric Science from the stars for Earth, particularly in respect to Sirius B.



Fundamental Kriya Yoga Mantra


Kriya Mantric Circulation can of course be done anywhere, anytime throughout the day as an all-purpose Cosmic Self-development.  I recommend the Taoist Yoga Circuit Two pathway for this of inhaling “KAWM” from the heels of your feet up to the Secret Center at the back of your head.


Then the breath should be held-in overhead with “KYOO”.


Then you should exhale with “KLEEM from overhead down into your Life-Center.


Then you should hold your breath out at the base of your spine with KRE (pronounced as “cray” in “crayon” in English).


KAWM” means Higher Life, Immortality.

KYOO means Transcendental Awareness.

KLEEM means Celestially Vibratory, Graceful.

KRE means Supermatter, Transmutation.


Infinite Yogis and Yoginis repeat this and very similar mantras in Cosmic Language throughout the Universe.  It is not an Earthbound Yoga or tradition of merely India or Asia.


When you by-pass Sanskrit and other Earthbound “holy languages” in this way, you are doing Cosmic Yoga of the highest kind and most accelerating of personal evolution.  It will keep you in vibratory connection with advanced beings or other solar systems and Galactic associations of Free Spirit Individuality beyond all pitiful culture-bound ignorant pseudo-teachers of Earth.


As Kalki Avatar from the Universe, this Fundamental Cosmic Kriya Yoga is My gift to all aspirants of self-development on Earth who want Evolutionary Acceleration beyond traditional culture-bound prejudice and mechanical conditioning.  The Guiding Spirit of the Total Universe will bless your development and lead you to the right teachers or teachings you need at various stages of your Cosmic Pilgrimage.



Basic Orientation


Even if you do not have access to privacy in a sauna for Sevenfold Kriyayoga, you will still get immense benefits from it by simply doing it first thing in the morning daily by sitting on a dedicated chair or big pillow in an environment or space you have dedicated for it.  However, purification or detoxing your body will remain an urgently important thing for you on this self-poisoning planet of insane idiots.


You also do not need official Rudraksha beads.  You can make your own little rosary of twenty-four beads (plus a twenty-fifth bead to tie it all together) of any kind that inspires you.


If you do at least this Sevenfold Kriya daily coupled with the Fundamental Kriya Yoga with persistent, gentle depth, the acceleration of your personal evolution of body, mind and soul will take place.  I will be present in Divine Spirit wherever My Mantra is being sounded with Faith and Sincerity.  No one is ever abandoned to spiritually dead isolation unless they insist on it through proud egomania of their material brain of argumentative opinions.