Driving Forces
by The Inheritor

There are some difficult Saivo(s), Underworld People, Inorganic Beings, which are clearly described in the great Nagual Shaman book of Carlos Castaneda called The Active Side of Infinity in the chapter, Mud Shadows.  These difficult Saivo(s) are predatory in that they keep human beings in a stupid, mechanical and low-energy state like cattle.


Colin Wilson in his excellent book, The New Existentialism, in the chapter, The Power of the Spectre, says (independently of the Nagual Shamans),

 “To express this problem in science-fiction terms: it would seem that there is some mysterious agency that wishes to hold men back, to prevent them from gaining full use of their powers.  It is as if man contained an invisible parasite, whose job is to keep man unaware of his freedom.  Blake called this parasite ‘the spectre’.  In certain moments of vitality and inspiration, the spectre releases his hold, and man is suddenly dazzlingly aware of what he could do with his life, his freedom.”


That same writer, Colin Wilson, also wrote an amazing science-fiction novel on this theme entitled, The Mind Parasites.  A similar science-fiction theme was developed in Robert Heinlein’s, The Puppet Masters.


The problem is that these deadly, nefarious Saivo(s) or Inorganic Beings, these Mud Shadows or “Flyers” that keep the average human being in a flat and boring state of unmagical and robotic, dull and violent normalcy are completely real, though invisible.  Real Shamans who can see can see those nefarious entities and do something about it, but most people remain blind, driven automatons as described by G.I.Gurdjieff, the Armenian Non-Muslim Sarmoun Sufi in P.D.Ouspensky’s book, In Search of The Miraculous where Gurdjieff reveals,

 “The evolution of large masses of humanity is opposed to nature’s purposes.  The evolution of a certain small percentage may be in accord with nature’s purposes.  Man contains within him the possibility of evolution.  But the evolution of humanity as a whole, that is, the development of these possibilities in all men, or in most of them, or even in a large number of them, is not necessary for the purposes of the Earth or of the planetary world in general, and it might, in fact, be injurious or fatal.  There exist, therefore, special forces (of a planetary character) which oppose the evolution of large masses of humanity and keep it at the level it ought to be…. The forces which oppose the evolution of large masses of humanity also oppose the evolution of individual men.  A man must outwit them.  And one man can outwit them, humanity cannot.”


 This also explains things like the impossibility of stopping the horrors of war in Iraq or the recent destruction of Lebanon by Israel.  Gurdjieff point out:

 “Man is a machine.  All his deeds, actions, words, thoughts, feelings, convictions, opinions, and habits are the results of external influences, external impressions.  Out of himself a man cannot produce a single thought, a single action.  Everything he says, does, feels—all this happens.  Man cannot discover anything, invent anything.  It all happens.  To establish this fact for oneself, to understand it, to be convinced of its truth, means getting rid of a thousand illusions about man, about his being creative and consciously organizing his own life, and so on.  There is nothing of this kind.  Everything happens—popular movements, wars, revolutions, all this happens….  How to stop wars?  Wars cannot be stopped.  War is the result of slavery in which men live.  Strictly speaking men are not to blame for war.  War is due to cosmic forces, to planetary influences.  But in men there is no resistance whatever against these influences, and there cannot be any, because men are slaves.  If they were men and were capable of ‘doing’, they would be able to resist these influences and refrain from killing one another.”


Genuine Free-Will is the exercise of what the Nagual Shamans call Intent.  But there cannot be the exercise of Intent, if there has been no genuine Descent of the Spirit followed by the Nagual Shamanic discipline that raises one’s Energy of Awareness and shakes off the Spectre/Flyer, the Mud Shadow Saivo.  Carlos Castaneda himself, who should have known better, tried passing on the physical exercises called Magical Passes to large groups of people in his Tensegrity Cult, but the Magical Passes cannot “redeploy personal energy” when there has been no Descent of the Spirit or activation of genuine Free Will as Intent.  His hope, obviously, was that the exercises might help trigger the Descent of the Spirit and activate Intent in large numbers of mechanical, unconscious and imitative people.  But imitators going through the outer physical motions of exercises designed for members of Nagual parties do not get the necessary results.  This entire fiasco is well-documented in the Amy Wallace book, Sorcerer’s Apprentice.  Imitation Magical Passes will not make raw emotional social belongers or lone-wolf experimenters into Nagual Shamans any more than taking classes in Hathayoga Asanas or physical postures will make one into a Self-realizing Siddhayogi with the Five Divine Powers, which includes, Icchashakti, Power of Free Will.


Non-Shamans and non-Siddhayogis identify their false “free will” with things like their choices in food, drink and who to have sex with or who to be nasty, harming or violent toward, just as they identify their so-called “consciousness” or “free thinking” with their blind beliefs and disbeliefs, their social belonging or their brainy cynicism and worship of technology.


For the Saami Noid Nagual Shaman, all these blind driving forces, these bad Saivo(s) are symbolized as the wild Elg, Moose, with a little man riding on top of it.  This is the god Rota.  The Shaman can harness Rota and make Him an ally, but that requires the Descent of the Spirit and the activation of Intent.