Entry Into Greater Nagual Path
by The Inheritor

Anywhere in any land on any planet is the perfect time and situation for any awakening individual spirit beyond the social self to shift into Heightened Awareness and learn.


Can you think a thought so big about all this that it becomes something far more than a mere verbal thought, but a silent emergence of Vision?  We are speaking here of the reception of a transmission.  Entry into the Greater Nagual Path is about Silent Knowledge.  It is way beyond merely reading about all this with your brain.


Most people who read Castaneda books or even chat in Web-forums about all this, nonetheless spend most of their so-called “free time” doing meaningless nothings or socializing which they stupidly pretend are meaningful.  If you can face this fact for real in yourself, you might have a chance to step into the Greater Nagual world.


There are no Greater Naguals in the old Castaneda Tensegrity Cult, nor with anyone presently advertising or offering personal connections.  You are totally isolated and on your own at this time on the planet.  Be absolutely clear about this or you don’t stand a chance.  Something totally fresh and new has to happen with you right there where you presently find yourself waking up to all this.  Any known or socially knowable address is most definitely a false address.


Your entire personal tendency will be to forget this article all-too-soon.  Do you know why?  It is because of your controlling ‘Mud Shadow’ or ‘Flyer’, which you have read about or should read about in Castaneda’s book, The Active Side of Infinity.  It most definitely does not want you to get this article’s Energetic Message within and beyond the words.


There are governmental, societal and even personal familial Flyer-forces all around you that want to keep your Spirit asleep.  The whole deck of flat human playing cards is stacked against any real individual bid for real freedom, greater personal power or cultivation of Heightened Awareness.  As long as you basically believe in the normal social world and cling to its superficial, habitual structures and activities, you are just not going to make it to anything real in the Greater Nagual world.


According to the etymology of the English word civilization, it refers to cities, city, which goes back to the Greek root-word, keitai, which translates as “they lie down, are recumbent”.  “Civilization” therefore originally means something like, “Cities where people are ‘laying about’ sleeping or fucking because they are recumbent.”  The term has therefore no direct relationship to organized human activities like productive employment, education, study, reflection, learning, thinking, creative arts, magic, meditation or higher states of awareness or spiritual development.  All you have to do to be socially normal or “civilized” is to be fucking or sleeping in a city.  Think about it.  Wake up to what is really happening to you and everyone you know.


Now, stop your opinionated all-too-normal and dull social self style of enclosed brain reading of all this!  Do not take any more constant flat-energy crap from your everyday social self!