How To Connect With
A Nagual In Mexico

by The Inheritor

You are being provoked, driven and guided into a better and more magical life and beneficial higher connections precisely by anything that forces you to make necessary changes in your consciousness, your way of living and your behavior, which includes your personal habits.  It is the way you are being shaped by Power for transactions and situations of Power.  In the dawning of your flexibility, impeccability and fearlessness of becoming a Spirit Warrior, you must appreciate and bring out for yourself anything and everything of genuine Spirit Power in yourself, your life and your world.  This means that you become more aware, gentle and unassuming as to what you might encounter or receive from beyond your present self.  Your task as a Spirit Warrior is to take real care of your body and mind, as well as your immediate world.


How you handle indirect connection with the Nagual will decide your possibility of genuine direct connection.  This means you must always regard the living world around you as a realm of Spirit, of Sacred Power, and not merely a set of objects or bodies for your physical use or non-use, for your ordinary interest or ignoring.  This also means that you yourself must clean up any messes you have made in yourself, your life or your world.  No Nagual will encourage a connection from someone trying to avoid responsibility.  Greedy and irresponsible people seeking a miraculous escape (whether in Mexico or India) will only be led into a rude awakening after a big illusion about someone somewhere.


The quality of your awareness and energy is totally important in all this.  Beyond the ordinary world and the non-ordinary world of Sorcery, beyond the concrete and the Abstract, is the great connectivity that Power is slowly moving you toward.  What your ordinary awareness and weak energy try to do about the non-ordinary, the Abstract, just imprisons your Spirit in your blind assumptions about yourself and your possibilities.  Reality is all-sustaining energy of Intent.  This requires absolute sobriety and a clear sense of direction.  The natural goal of all living creatures is to become genuinely thoughtful and realistic in the most extreme and profound meaning of Life in all dimensions and realms of itself.  Every possible state and condition for a human being must therefore be fully seen and understood.


Nagual speech is not about anything so much as it is addressed to the awakened Spirit of a human being.  It is not an arbitrary command or academic explanation, but belongs to the inner speakable that can be heard by the Spirit in Heightened Awareness.  So you are not ready yet for the speech of the Nagual that only the Spirit can hear.  Try to somehow understand this important point.


You cannot “find” the Nagual with your blind criteria of assessment of people you manage to encounter.  Only the Nagual can find you because he can see.  If he sees a potential Nagual, you will be approached and involved in some strange way without at first really knowing what is happening.  But if you are searching for a Nagual, any candidate for your agreement and involvement will be false precisely because you do not see.

You can be attracted to the false because you are false.  If you are attracted to a Nagual, you do not know for a very long time that the Nagual is a Nagual because you have to learn to see.  Many people seeking a Nagual have in fact encountered a Nagual without knowing it because the Nagual saw they were not real candidates to be Naguals, that their awareness was too dull and their energy too low and unclean.  People like that always have a high opinion of themselves and no real personal power; they are always spinning in their occult self-fixations like the tops that boys play with in the street.  They never know when they have been picked-up, examined and set down again and left spinning all the way into the gutter of Death.  To encounter a Nagual is therefore only a big deal for a genuine Spirit Warrior with the right awareness and energy configuration.  Short of that is just a useless expedition to nowhere.


What you need the most about all this is a change of heart.  When the Spirit awakens within and around the heart, there is the beginning of seeing and what one sees is the way Power is guiding and shaping your quest.  You must learn to look with an inner subtle vision beyond what your noisy little brain keeps maintaining.  The Nagual cannot be consciously encountered except on the foundation of Heightened Awareness due to a silent brain and real Intent.


There are real Naguals alive and fully functional on Earth at this time, but they are not anyone you know or have heard about in books or advertised courses for the random public.  The ways of Power are beyond your social self and its considerings.  The sooner you learn this, the better.