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The Core Method of Dealing
With Your Latest Management Problem

By Gary Chicoine

When you have a management problem, the central problem is the problem of being a manager, of trying to manage the problem.  If there is a manager there is already going to be insurmountable difficulty because a manager as such is a stupid, unaware and calculating mind.  The brain of such a human being will not allow for a true overview, for holistic perception.

 There can be no real awareness and understanding of what is really going on where there is an effort to manage.  When you manage a person or a group of people or some troublesome situation, you do it according to a pattern in your brain that everyone and everything are supposed to conform to.  But real life in actual living situations does not conform to the pattern in the stupidly clever brain of the manager.  And the problem at hand, the actual difficulty, is an aspect of real life, which is a totality without artificial boundaries.  If you do not go to where there are no boundaries, which is awareness of the true whole, you will not see the problem in full perspective, which means you will have to go on managing and managing, which further means you will struggle again with the problem in various forms as something chronic and never arrive at a full release from it.

 Now, here is the real solution to your latest management problem:

Stop trying to manage, to cope, to handle the situation, people or person.  Let go into a higher awareness.  Get above the problem where it is just an aspect of something, part of a greater system filled with unknown dynamical causal feedback loops.

 If you are truly hearing all this, then be very observant of yourself, of your usual thinking and processes of managing.  A fully holistic intelligence can awaken in your consciousness, but only if you approach it with clean intentions beyond your old tendency of manipulating, of managing.  But this does not mean you are slowly building up something, that you are only accumulating books and articles on these themes.  You must not merely manage information and knowledge about all this or you haven’t really understood a thing that has been said.

 One thing is for sure: any problem or crisis that arises should be treated above all as an opportunity to develop holistic awareness and system thinking.  Whatever your position, learn to manage without managing.  Get completely out of your usual ruts and reactions as soon as you can.  You will have less of stress and more of positive opportunities.


©2005 Gary Chicoine