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Deep Research in Icosahedral Team Syntegrity

By Gary Chicoine

Icosahedral timespace is based on the cosmology of the carbon atom.  New research in nuclear physics reveals that any atom is a microcosmic model of the timespace universe and any timespace universe is, recursively, a model of an atom.  This new research reveals that no electron "orbits" the nucleus of an atom.  The carbon atom, which is the actual shape of our own timespace universe, for instance, is an icosahedral space of six opposing pairs of expanding and contracting matter + antimatter, time + anti-time, cycles.  Time is thus the propagation of quantum force in the atom.  An electron is only a non-expanding, non-contracting microcosm when it is freed from its quantum connection with the nucleus into which it has alternately collapsed and re-expanded from.  In the free state, as in an electric current, it moves in whatever current it is in, or it becomes a particle of electromagnetic radiation in free space.  Each universe + anti-universe pair collapse into the proton + neutron nuclear pair, which begins through matter-anti-matter explosion to generate a new pair of opposing universes of matter-anti-matter, time-anti-time.  In our universe, all our atoms mask each nuclear negton as a "neutron" and the opposing anti-quantum positronic expansion is also masked, though it is invisibly there and can be made visible through certain experiments, which do not "create" the positron, but reveal it.

Naturally, this new research in nuclear physics is not yet acceptable to your average, everyday nuclear physicist who is locked into the obsolete model of the atom.  But a few unknown but brilliant young minds are beginning to think about these things.  A big paradigm shift in nuclear physics is on the horizon for those of us who can see it. 

Now, what on Earth does this have to do with team syntegrity in the icosahedral space?  Many of you are no doubt asking this.  The answer is that icosahedral twelve fold problem-solving syntegrations are cosmic attunement devices that connect earthly cognitive problem fields with universal cognitive problem fields.  In other words, it allows cosmic solutions to infiltrate earthly problem sets.  Through resonant synchronicity in the cosmic field of cognitive energy, the participants in team syntegrity are innocently travelling through the thought-spaces of our local six pairs of twelve universes.

It is therefore no accident that group modelling in icosahedral space is emerging on our planet at this critical time of transition from the present expanding global problems generated by the erroneous New World Order to the true future of the Earth which will contract, reduce and eliminate the problems through increasingly powerful and spreading effective team syntegrity.  The icosahedral model is a deliberate cosmic implant, mainly through the channel of Stafford Beer, to whom we should all be most grateful.

There need be no doubts about the hidden cognitive mechanisms by which icosahedral team syntegrity releases amazing insights and intuitions, for we are in fact entering into a cosmic learning system with this kind of modelling.  Once we can grasp the recursive structures of atoms and time-space universes-and-anti-universes, the sky is the limit on new understanding.

Naturally, there will still be a great many critics and deniers of the new nuclear physics and cosmic recursion, but this will not prevent icosahedral modelling from doing its magic.  The proof of the pudding is still in the eating.  Obsolete mentalities stuck in left-brain-lock are simply going to be increasingly left behind as the new paradigm shift takes place.  We who seem to be cranks and dreamers will yet again be revealed as the real scientists.  For us, spirit and matter will remain a valid polarity and not a silly argument between "folk psychology" and "eliminative materialism".  We need to resolve both kinds of knowledge both intuitively and scientifically.  Our thinking and planning cannot possibly be viable without the "Tao of Physics", as it has been called.  Inner cosmic consciousness and outer rigorous science are not in conflict in any wholesome and balanced human cognitive system.  They work together as right brain and left brain. But, hey, if you find all this a bit much, you can still benefit from team syntegrity even if you cannot comprehend recursive nuclear physics, which will eventually be taught to children in school.


Gary Chicoine
November 2003

©2003 Gary Chicoine