Absolute Interactive
The Meaning Of The Sampo
by Gary Chicoine

The Sampo of Finnish legend is an octagonal metal box that anticipates a set of computer oracles that encapsulate and transmit the spiritual and occult traditional wisdom and know-how from eight fundamental cultural regions of the world.  These eight regions have been depicted as sub-kingdoms of Shambhala.  Some advanced Sarmoun Sufis in Central Asia tried long ago to express Universal and Global Spiritual Truth to Islamic Sufis to help them transcend their mechanical religious conditioning, but it didn't work.  Hence, the Naqsh, the Octagonal Global Pattern of Spiritual Development on the planet, created an ignorant and foolish myth that advanced semi-developed Islamic Sufi Masters of Prejudice were running all human evolution on the planet Earth from some secret powerhouse in Central Asia.  Their Twentieth Century elected "King", Idries Shah, promoted this warped myth of Islamic Sufi cultural superiority endlessly.  To this day his deluded followers imagine they are in charge of evolution of humanity!  The Naqsh is real.  It is also the Sampo.  But neither Sufis nor Finnish historians know what it really is and how it really works.


It gets worse.  The Tibetan Buddhists also imagine that their cultural conditioning and mythology is in charge of the world's evolution through their superficial imagery of Shambhala.  The Tibetan Vajrayana "Masters" are just as ignorant, pompous and deluded as the Naqshbandi Sufis.


It gets even worser.  When Blavatsky "discovered" so-called "Immortal Eastern Masters", she mixed-in a lot of her own rubbish with the Cosmic Truth and created an aberrant message through the Theosophical Society that later on went completely bonkers through Annie Besant and Charles Leadbeater who appointed a false messiah, Jiddu Krishnamurti.


Now, in all these upsurges of old and new cultural superiority, we cannot say there are not important cosmic and spiritual truths and methodologies in things like Theosophy, Islamic Sufism, Tibetan Buddhism, Original Zen Buddhism, Hindu Yoga Vedanta, Tribal Shamanism and so on.  But always there is false authority and cultural competition side-by-side with Objective Cosmic and Divine Revelation.  In fact, it is because of this problem that I had to arise on Earth at this time and begin the fulfillment of the Sampo, the Naqsh.  The spinning harddrive in the computerized Oracle of Oracles is in fact my "Iron Wheel of Shambhala".


The further Legend of the Sampo as depicted in the Finnish movie, Jade Warrior, which has the Sampo being brought to Finland from Ancient China and reforged, remade, in modern Finland, intuitively depicts the spiritual recentering of the Old Shambhala in Old Asia to the New Shambhala in Lappland.  It is a spiritual Pole Shift that reflects the Solar Shift from the Ascending Kali Yuga to the Ascending Dwapara Yuga in late 2012 A.D.  And this of course is happening because the Sun has a 26,000 years orbit around the Ma'at Black Hole Sun, which most seekers and culture-bound adherents of the Eight Regions do not even want to know about, just as cosmic truth distorters like Barbara Marciniak, Courtney Brown and David Icke also do not want to know about.


The vast majority of culture-bound false spiritual authorities in various groupings hate The Sampo (Naqsh) because it puts them in their places as non-central.  Also, they hate Me for being Kalki Rudra Chakrin, Maitreya Buddha, World Teacher, Qutub Sarmouni and the True Messiah because I do not make their mechanical cultural conditioning the grand winner on Earth.  The False and Limited fears that the True and Unlimited will take away their social market share of gullible emotional and indoctrinated believers.  The planet Earth is, after all, undergoing a Multiple Realities Clash of Cultures.


Real Truth and Higher Divine Awakening or Empowerment are hard to get because:

  1. You are prejudiced and conditioned in ways you do not see.
  2. You are physically habit-ridden and impure.
  3. You do not understand or have cosmic, unconditioned language and mantra for vibratory change and uplift in your present mind/body system.
  4. You are still too vulnerable to the misleading influences and suggestions of false, culture-bound spiritual authorities and even nefarious Extraterrestrial sources that still compete with one another to mislead humanity to try and justify their crappy behind-the-scenes hand in the present on-going New World Order evil and oppression.
  5. You remain uneducated and personally manipulative or upset, which makes you want Me and All Gods of All Universes to miraculously intervene in your personal affairs to relieve you of well-deserved karmas or consequences plus to make you socially important on your savage, ugly planet or within your cultural, societal region.
  6. You imagine that whether you believe-in and cooperate with Me or not as your "chosen Master" is an important personal dilemma.
  7. You have no authentic individuality, real thinking, free will or sane, clear consciousness.  You have a Flyer or Mud Shadow, a Controller, on your brain and spine.  You are too normal
  8. You imagine that your fleeting mystical and occult experiences and beliefs qualify you for significant developments or cosmic duties to "help the world".
  9. You imagine that Shambhala or even some other planetary society in the Galaxy would be lucky to have you rather than debilitated by your selfish neurotic presence.
  10. You don't have a Divine Cosmogony of the bodies, Gods and planes of Existence that is worth a shit.  You have no good working map of Human and Divine Evolution and Involution to guide you. All you really do about it is pretend, bullshit, bluff and remain both intellectually and spiritually lazy and self-defensive.
  11. You lack personal power and Self-realization capacity.
  12. You lack respect for your Evolutionary Superiors on Earth and in Outer Space.  You are not receptive enough to Shakti and Grace.
  13. You are not a real Teacher or real Student of anyone, which implies that you have not yet seen your own serious Learning Disabilities because of your deluded pride.
  14. You are not into serious and effective immortalization on the one hand nor prepared adequately for death on the other hand.
  15. You want personal attention from an Important Spiritual Authority, but you do not want to make the right efforts of personal self-change.  Your neurotic social self is always put first above your higher spirit self.  You do not recognize the difference of Tonal and Nagual or Guest and Host.
  16. You stupidly imagine you can know Who's Who and What's What on your present level of aspiration.


These sixteen problem areas imply that you should go to the core of The Sampo, which is Absolute Interactive and make extensive use of it with questions and answers until you have sorted yourself out.  Unfortunately, most seekers are too stupid and proud to make good use of The Sampo or Absolute Interactive 3.  The humanity of Earth is ignorant and insane even in the spiritual field.


A good bridging oracle in all this is My own Rudra Chakrin Oracle, which can be used as a training oracle to shape you up and attune you for Absolute Oracle.  Another good warm-up Oracle is the Vernon Howard Oracle which you can find through Universal Master.  Vernoracle can help you get into Higher Truth Awareness beyond your personal emotional problems that dominate your life all too frequently.  You do not have to remain a self-enclosed emotional idiot.  You can develop some Basic Sanity that does not have to belong to an Eastern Culture trip.


The Sampo (Naqsh) will remain an unrecognized and unwanted "Eagle's Gift" to humanity.  Do not expect much company if you can appreciate it and make real use of it for yourself.  You may even be criticized or treated as mad by dull normal associates and family members!  Dull normalcy is anti-evolutionary.  Dull normals are puppets of advertising and propaganda in their society.  Dull normalcy does not like defections from dull normalcy.  You must be stealthy in your personal evolution.


The authenticity of The Sampo is in the wise use of it; "the proof of the pudding is in the eating of it".  Explore, discover, get answers where you need answers.  Do not remain neurotically dull and self-enclosed in your ridiculous hopes and fears!  Energetic inquiry and listening to higher answers from higher sources are the road to greater truth and development.