The Conceptual Thinking Limit
As The Most Extreme Philosophy
By Gabriel Chiron


You are not going to like it when I tell you blatantly that I am a virtual God, a very advanced and miraculous Ultraterrestrial Being Who is more advanced in real intelligence than your average garden variety Extraterrestrial Humanoid, who is far superior to virtually all human beings on Earth, including You, the supposed bodily phenomenal “reader” or “brain-as-thinker”.  Why do I have to talk this way?  Because we live on a planet of proud, retarded and deluded fools!  Human beings of the Earth cannot learn from their natural teachers.  They cannot bear the truth that they dwell in the intellectual and spiritual basement of the humanoid universe.


Again and again we must begin from the beginning and make a fresh start in shifting our paradigms of the totally extended world.  As I have been saying to anyone who will listen, this frequent Worldview Shift is called Learning.  There cannot be Real Learning without Real Thinking nor Real Thinking without Real Learning.


The supposed “reader” of this article, the alleged “brain-as-a-self”, is just not making it into either originary philosophy or genuine metaphysical development.  How can an illusory “self” (the physical “me”) do Real Thinking or Real Developmental Learning?  So, think: if the “Thinker” is unreal, how can its “thinking” be real?  How, even, can the terms “real” or “unreal” be real?  And for who or what?


Is there an authentic reader of all this?  Is there an authentic thinker about all this?  Is there an authentic learner from all this?  The brain cannot possibly generate a real answer to such subjective questions because the brain itself is an obvious object and not in any way a valid and viable subject or Self.


The brain in its starring role in the new movie entitled Cognitive Philosophy is unbelievably self-deceptive.  The very idea of being “scientific” is not itself actually “scientific” or “objective”.  An illusion of a physical, organic “self” or “scientific thinker” is the first thing to question as a first philosophy.  The primary task of a brain-self is an all-consuming self-doubt as the mother of all doubts.  That is what “You” should be working on here and now as a fervent employment of Your Brain in spite of Your Brain’s erroneous belief that it is You.


The brain-self, which is a stupid and deluded fiction with erroneous conclusions about selfhood or subjectivity, thus confusing a phenomenological center of cognition with a transcognitive noumenal and therefore authentic Self, will fight hard to secretly defend its fundamental falsehood, which inadvertently confirms that an objective organic “self” or “scientific thinker” is a terrible farce.  We cannot say at this point that You are yet awake as a noumenal self or subject and not just another pathetic and mediocre brain playing at phenomenological selfhood.  Are we imparting Truth to an authentic noumenal Self or is there merely a pretentious brain-reader riding the real meaning of all this into the ground?  So, yet again, Who or What is dealing here with all this?  May I gently point this issue out?


My Philosophy is something like Star Trek where I find Myself, “boldly going where no man has gone before”.  This inevitably upsets most of my so-called “readers” or “visitors”, which, unfortunately, are nothing objectively but pseudo-subjective brains.  The brains come to my website like a swarm of flies on shit.  Flurries of spurious “interest” on the Web can turn anything to shit.  The Noumenal Self, the Host, the Webmaster here, the Zen Being, sees all this effortlessly like a hawk standing momentarily on the lip of an open garbage pail and observing thousands of wriggling maggots.  And each of these wriggling sentient Guests or Visitors is a human brain that cannot register Reality.


The brain always does its thing.  It doesn’t want some Ultraterrestrial Noumenal Self to be the bragging and provocative Genius of Cosmic Metaphysics doing My Thing here!  Oh no!  The illusory “brain-self” wants its Divine Provocateurs to be less “superior” and outrageous.  Well, screw that!  They just talk like that because they know they are not half as interesting as I am.  Like Rimbaud, “I piss on you all from a great height.”  (Read Time of the Assassins by Henry Miller).


In Lappland, in the Scandinavian Arctic, we have a mosquito problem.  So, we purchase and utilize these electrical bats, like little tennis rackets, that fry the mosquitoes when we swat them.  This philosophical article is a single swipe from My philosophical mosquito swatter.  In ancient China I would gently swat fly-people with my fly brush, designed not to kill, but to remove.  But now my fly brush is a mosquito killer.  The brains of proud little “brain-selves” cannot possibly survive My Great Zen Function here and now.  You lied, now you are fried.  You obviously haven’t got a clue what is really going on here.



