Cosmological Recursion
The New Frontier of Philosophy 
By Gabriel Chiron

Compared to the thinkers, sages and seers of the infinite populated worlds of the extraterrestrial universe of matter-energy-space-time (MEST), the scientists, philosophers and theologians of our planet Earth are merely arrogant and ignorant savages in rigid brain-lock of being stuck in cognitive patterns of fixated belief-and-disbelief with very little ability to do paradigm shifting.  So what is going to happen in this article today, which is now unfolding quite outrageously like the wings of the Garuda or Mothman, is an explanation of Everything that most readers will not like because it is a much greater and more cosmic truth than their poor little Earthbound brain-intellects can handle.  Very few are ready for the paradigm shift just ahead.  The Eliminative Materialist, the cynical brain-in-a-jar skeptic and mechanized anti-metaphysical anti-believer or postmodern biological robot is just not going to make it through this because the higher creative intelligence or capacity of cosmic intuition is D.O.A., dead-on-arrival.  By the same token, the Folk Psychologist, the true believer who is identified with some one supposedly superior religion, tradition or school of metaphysics, who is thus faithfully prejudiced within an Earthbound theological or cosmological cul-de-sac of pseudo-certainty about “things beyond” is also not going to make it.  Only a flexible cognitive being in a state of learning with a good capacity of paradigm shifting is going to make it here.  Such a rare individual, capable of drinking-in new cosmic perspectives and doing original thinking coupled with lateral intuition or Seeing, will recognize that I am the natural teacher or cosmic transmitter at this time.  Such a reader will intuitively perceive that I am in fact what is known in some circles as a God-man, an Ultraterrestrial, a person of Cosmic Consciousness, or one of the more advanced types of Extraterrestrial Contactee.  In fact, my I.Q. is so high as to be immeasurable by any standard measurements of local cognitive psychologists of the Earth who, because of their own excess of low-level brain cleverness, do not know what intelligence is or how it is more correctly assessed in the extraterrestrial universe at large.  What I am trying to say is that it is tough work for me to compress my cosmic intuitive awareness into my human brain as a coherent and logical discourse that will not overload your cognitive system without overly sacrificing my extremely extended awareness.  You know what happens.  Think of what happens when you yourself are in a state of extended cosmic inspiration, such as when you first discovered in your present incarnation that things like Extraterrestrial Intelligence, Extrasensory Perception and God-consciousness are real, and you tried to explain to some friend, relative or lover what you were seeing and getting turned-on about only to discover that they were thinking of you as an insane, annoying or otherwise difficult person for them.  Frustrating, isn’t it?  Now just picture someone far more advanced than yourself in all this who has to keep a whole lot more bottled-up so as to not blow-the-neurocircuits of the unevolved dull normals constantly interacted with in the rounds of daily life.  It is truly like living as an Alien in a human body.  So be warned!  If you start understanding Cosmological Recursion you are doomed to have personal experiences of being an even greater isolated misfit than you probably already are.  On the other hand, the vistas that will open up in your consciousness will put you into subtle membership with the genuine Cosmic Philosophy Club of the Extraterrestrial Universe, which is what makes interstellar and intergalactic travel so incredibly stimulating!  This could be your ticket into Outer and Inner Space.  Shall we proceed?  If so, then get ready to blow your mind, for I am now going to tell you cosmic secrets that have never been revealed on this Earth before, at least not as comprehensively as right here, right now.


The first thing to understand has to do with simple nuclear physics.  Modern nuclear physicists do not quite have the correct model of the atom.  They need a paradigm shift, a model shift, if they are to take nuclear physics into the next learning dimension of itself.


There is no such thing as electrons revolving around protons, which “protons” are said to be fixed in the nucleus.  What an “electron” is actually is an expanded “proton” and what a “proton” is actually is a contracted “electron”.  Please allow this atomic fact to fully register.  Try to see some of the immediate implications.


Now, the next step is to see that there is no such thing as a “neutron”.  A “neutron” is a contracted “positron”, just as a “positron” is an expanded negatron or anti-proton.  Therefore, there are always two (2) quantum pulses going on in a simple hydrogen atom, which are quantum pulses of matter and anti-matter.  Hence, all atoms in our quantum universe of MEST (matter-energy-space-time) have a bias that veils their hidden anti-matter quantum polarity, just as all atoms in our natural opposite anti-universe of anti-MEST have an anti-matter bias that veils their hidden matter polarities.  All the atoms in our MEST Universe are “right-handed” as they say and all the atoms in our polar Anti-MEST Anti-Universe are “left-handed” as they say.


When matter and anti-matter, electron and positron contract together by force of gravity, it creates both protonic/negatronic mass, which is also an increasing explosion or big bang expansion, an outward quantum pulse, whether of an atom or a MEST double universe.  Hence, every atom is an infinitesimal quantum universe and every MEST Universe is literally a mere atom.  What for us is an eternity, a cosmic quantum Big Bang and Big Crunch of all matter, energy, space and time, is also a mere quantum instant in each and every atom of our body and our world.  This is real; it is the Principle of Cosmic Recursion.  The Macrocosmic Atom is a MEST Universe; the Microcosmic MEST Universe is an atom.  As the Third Zen Patriarch of Buddhism in China once said, “Big things are as little as little things can be, little things are as big as big things can be.”  The same Principle of Cosmic Recursion was also pointed out in the Tejobindupanishad of the ancient Arian Hindus as follows:

 “The supreme meditation is upon Tejobindu, the Radiant Point, which is the Spirit of the Universe, which is also seated in the human heart (as the causal time-space ego or “assemblage point” of the Mexican Seers), which is of the size of an atom, which pertains to Shiva (our own Godself), which is quiescent and which is gross and subtle, as also above these qualities…and is the supreme seat of Vishnu (the Infinite Eternal Lord of the Universe). That seat has three faces (Macrocosmic, Human and Microcosmic), three gunas (qualities of MEST, matter-energy-space-time) and three dhatus (realms or worlds of relative existence).”


If you will carefully read the book, UFO…Contact From Planet Iarga (UFO Photo Archives, 1982, ISBN 0-9608558-1-5), you will see that the ETI Iargan Cosmologists have accurately develop a portrait of our own Total Universe, Dharmadhatu, as a six-plus-six set of pairs of Matter and Anti-matter Quantum Universes with twelve directions of Time.  Hence we are existing presently within a Macrocosmic atom of Carbon.  This has been corroborated by an Earth Yogi in a state of cosmic consciousness in the Himalayas, by name of Dwaraka Nath Bhattacharjee, who says, in his book, Simple Kriya Yoga, “Similarly, the scientists are also breaking the atoms through machine and getting power out of it.  During all these periods of meditation, Kali or Carbon is the main power.  Normally, we know that if we make any fire, carbon comes out.  Similarly, during rotation of Earth through the vast ocean of cosmos erected by the Almighty, we find scientifically, everywhere Carbon or Kali along with other elements is creating everything and present everywhere.  Actually, we are living inside a gasified ocean of Kali.”  


Kali, of course, is the all-pervading Black Goddess of All Time in Hindu mythology.  That She is here pointed-out as a Macrocosmic Carbon Atom perfectly matches the ETI cosmology of the planet Iarga.  The Principle of Cosmic Recursion is thus revealed through both advanced Extraterrestrial and Ultraterrestrial Seers and Scientists.  Hence Science, Philosophy and Religion are three harmonious branches of Hermetic Ontology, known from the Proto-philosophy of Ancient Egypt and India during the previous Golden Age.  This forgotten primordial ontology can now begin to be rediscovered and updated with fresh transmissions, including my own article here, from Extraterrestrial and Ultraterrestrial sources.


All this is an aspect of the new frontier of Philosophy where physics and metaphysics, matter and spirit, merge in a new extended cosmological learning process of search, deconstruction of existing paradigms or worldviews and reconstruction into much vaster and more promising paradigms, worldviews and cosmogonies.  Old Earthbound mental models are doomed to be swept away and new Cosmic mental models are going to increasingly emerge no matter how much the dinosaur-brained Eliminative Materialists and Folk Psychologists protest in anger and agony of their defective little minds.  In future centuries, human thoughtful survivors of the present apocalyptic self-destruction of the Earth-world will increasingly turn toward Extraterrestrial and Ultraterrestrial knowledge, but you do not have to wait; you can do it now.  As the super-wealthy astronaut said to the aspiring space traveler in the movie, Contact: “Do you want to go for a ride?”


You do not need permission from brain-dead materialistic skeptics or pseudo-spiritual believers to take your thinking and consciousness into exciting new dimensions.  So start meditating on the Principle of Cosmic Recursion.  You are in for one hell of a shock when you begin to really see it for yourself.  Later, if I am in the mood, I might explain to you the Cosmic Mirror of Superconsciousness, so get ready.




