Real Philosophy Is Itself Mutating
By Gabriel Chiron

Just as the outward form of Philosophy changes with times, peoples and cultures, so does the outward form of one and the same genuine philosophical school also change.  People who cannot recognize a new phase of a genuine line of philosophical inquiry are stuck in a merely historical fixation on Philosophy and are thus incapable of philosophizing.  Lacking true intellectual and spiritual attunement, they cannot “hear the call” and there is probably nothing that can be done for them.  They will only seek to reinforce their usual knowledge and opinions instead of discovering new knowledge and generating more advanced opinions.  They lack a valid philosophical learning process.


What is needed for a philosophical learning process is a certain change that needs to take place in the feeling or flow of blood in the physical brain itself.  The usual living process of the brain has to be suspended.  This creates a new kind of pressure in the brain, which can even become episodes of unavoidable strain which can be felt from the back of the head and through the palate to the top of the head.  This peculiar intensity must be allowed to continue as the brain-patterns are reconfigured for new ways of thinking and perceiving.  The brain itself, the instrument of thought, must undergo a mutation that can resonate with the current mutation of Philosophy.  The normal conditioned brain of conformist intellectualism is a false intelligence, a learning disability.  This is a very physical problem and it requires a penetrating insight from beyond the physical that can put a stop to the old physical and promote a shift into a new physical condition that makes learning, creation and accurate intuition possible.


There is also a social psychological shift that must accompany the change of brain state.  Put quite simply, it requires that you stop wasting your advice on people in your life who do not and will not follow your advice.  This means you must inwardly risk a greater degree of personal silence, detachment and isolation than you would have liked.  This does not mean you render yourself incapable of intelligent discourse or basic human kindness of exchange of affection and small talk.  It simply means that you stop imagining that serious thoughtfulness and inquiry are possible in someone you are attached to when actually it is far more possible with someone you have not yet met and may not meet for quite some time.


The necessary changes of your brain and your social psychology will enable you to arrive at a cosmic attitude of philosophical entry into the purity, clarity and innocence of the genuine Unknown, which is freedom from your accumulated memories of life-experiences and all that you have read.  It is a fresh start in exploratory consciousness.  Without suspending your memories, your usual opinions and judgments, how will you learn?  How will you do new and original thinking?  How will you unfold higher intelligence?  This has to be fully faced and understood.


If you want to be admired for your philosophical tendency, then let it be for what is most deeply individualistic and genuine in such a tendency.  Therefore, let yourself be admired for your enlightened laziness, for your utter contempt for the dullness of normalcy, for your aristocratic dignity.  You must also cultivate sanity and health that do not bore you.  You do not need an excuse for being you.  If you need the approval of ordinary people and ordinary society, you are the same as dead already.  Since real philosophy is extraordinary, the genuine philosopher is outrageous, inscrutable and elusive without being harmful or nasty.  Heraclitus, for instance, was such an individual in Ancient Greece.  If you would combine the fragments of Heraclitus with the writings of Martin Heidegger, Hakim Bey and Robert Anton Wilson you might actually discover why Osho Rajneesh wrote a commentary on Heraclitus and hence discover the contemporary mutation of Philosophy in our time.


At any given moment, ask yourself the Zen question, “How alive, spontaneous, natural and real is my state-of-being here and now?”


This is what really matters for you beyond all the world’s histories and future outcomes.  Or, to put it another way: isn’t that what your own underlying personal history has been about?  Isn’t that what your highest overarching aspiration has been reaching toward?


Whatever you think, say or do with a face turned wholly to greater truth and emergent cosmic and spiritual facts will always be a good thing.  In due time all the unpleasant aspects of your present destiny will be destroyed and all your old hesitations, hang-ups and bad habits will be reduced to ashes.  The more pleasant and liberating aspects of your destiny can and must expand.  Everything is only waiting for the birth of your new learning and development cycle.  Real Philosophy and extraordinary new capacities of consciousness are truly there for you to explore, nor are they a contradiction.


Go back to the idea of brain suspension for a shift in consciousness.  This is in essence the idea of “stopping the world” in Carlos Castaneda.  It is also the Chih Kuan meditation school of Ancient China and the essence of the Rajayoga of Patanjali.  There is no real scientific, philosophical or metaphysical reason not to look carefully at our own brain state.  That is why there have emerged self-monitoring machines for registering our brain state.  There is an optimum brain-setting for doing philosophy and developing higher states of consciousness.  How we eat, drink and live also affect these potentials.  This has been known since ancient times.  Modern people with heavy, impure bodies, brains and neuro-systems are cognitively dull, thoughtless and uncreative.  This is all so obvious for anyone clear enough to see.  Our personal habits of living deeply affect our capacity to learn, think and develop.  The more pure our physical system, the easier to suspend and reconfigure the physical brain.  No contemporary pseudo-scientific anti-metaphysical materialistic pseudo-philosopher operating with a heavy impure and dull but clever brain can possibly come to a high quality of thought and perception.  The world is presently filled with such skeptical materialism and brain-lock.  They try to utilize the cognitive science in and around artificial intelligence to “prove” to everyone that human beings are in all cases biological robots.  Clinging to naïve “Eliminative Materialism”, they disdainfully pronounce all genuine Metaphysical Inquiry to be nothing but “Folk Psychology”.  But if they believe that all human beings are nothing but biological robots, why do they still say “I”, “me”, “myself”?  And if there is no such thing as “consciousness”, then what-the-hell is “cognition” for?


The necessary suspension of the usual brain-functions has nothing much to do with what the New Agers call “meditation”.   It is not about raw emotional commitment to some particular exclusive tradition, belief or culture with a “meditation” system that reinforces a belief-system rooted in a language and conditioning.  That various cultures and traditions have sometimes learned something about suspending the brain does not mean that you must convert to one or another of them to learn to do this.  Conversion is not the necessary transformation of the brain.  The transformation of the brain is cosmic and unprejudiced.  The requirement for evolution of a human being of the Earth is no different than the requirement for any extraterrestrial human being with a brain of some other planet in some other star-system, galaxy, universe, omniverse or pluriverse.  If there is a self-awareness operating through a physical brain, the need for suspension of old brain patterns and the needed emergence of new brain patterns is the same.  Alternative neuro-physiology is always a necessity for metaphysical breakthroughs in thinking and consciousness.


Generally we see the level of intelligence and thinking falling throughout the world.  The politicians are increasingly stupid, deceitful, phony and corrupt.  The mass media is increasingly manipulative, shallow and meaningless.  Real Philosophy is dying collectively while mutating in the tiny minority of genuinely thoughtful and ethical people.  Mass destruction seems inevitable under present trends.  So it is up to each thoughtful individual to learn better how to learn, to think better how to think, to see more about greater and higher awareness.  We must undertake the full-blown brain suspension and transcendental insight development that enables our valid participation in the mutation of Philosophy and the emergent nexus of Cosmic Evolution that will supercede human history as we normally think of it.


Are you awakening to decisive new steps in your being, thinking and living?








©2005 Gabriel Chiron



