Truth Is Greater Than Man
By Gabriel Chiron


The average man or woman on the planet Earth does not seek greater truth beyond conditioned contemporary dogma of belief and disbelief.  Truth is cosmic, but religion cannot handle it.  Truth is metaphysical, but science cannot accept it.  Truth is revelation, but government is constantly covering up its wrong doing, its corruption and incompetence, its bad decision-making.  All throughout normal society is this collusion against greater truth, this mutually reinforcing idle chatter without serious inquiry, this anti-ontological conspiracy.  The self-enclosed social self keeps itself oblivious to the great cosmic and metaphysical issues.  When the social self, the member of society, is not talking to other social selves about various superficial nothings, it is just blanking out and staring stupidly into space or rushing about with that pressured, unhappy look on the face.


The spirit of inquiry, the search for greater truth beyond religion and science, the profound seriousness of doing real thinking, philosophy and ontology – these are almost totally lacking in humanity.  Humanity is therefore subhuman from lack of genuine intelligence.  The vast majority are not evolving; they do not have a viable learning process; they are stuck in first paradigm; they automatically reject any emergent facts or realities that do not fit their brain dead cognitive pattern of belief and disbelief.  They watch too much television.


This very article, this particular website, is unpopular for all the wrong reasons.  Greater truth is a problem in the sociology of knowledge.  Any rare individual who is doing real thinking, metaphysical exploration and cosmic learning has experienced the peculiar isolation that comes with having to get along in daily life without meaningful dialogue or shared real inquiry.  The people in one’s life are pre-philosophical, pre-inquiry, pre-evolutionary, pre-learning.  They just haven’t got it in them.  They are helpless victims of collective hypnosis.  Yet most of them imagine they “think for themselves” because they avoid questioning a real thinker when they encounter one.  Scientists and professional people, for instance, imagine they are quite brilliantly intelligent, though in actual fact they are rather arrogant and limited in their so-called “thinking”.  The same thing is true of management consultants with their self-selected positions as experts on human learning in both individuals and groups.  Business leaders in particular are often the most pseudo-philosophical representatives of learning disabilities on the planet.  We cannot give to them what they believe they have already got.  They, along with the political leaders, are wrecking the planet with their proud stupidities, but they refuse to see obvious things.  This refusal has all the earmarks of cognitive dissonance.  Most of them do not even know what that term means.  It is all part of the anti-ontological conspiracy that pervades humanity as an unconscious collusion, a zombie jamboree.


Truth is greater than man.  Truth is beyond social acceptance.  Truth is maladjusted and cannot fit into the massively dumb patterns of ordinary relationships and activities.  Greater truth is an unheeded voice in the desert, a superhuman entity of the Unknown who no one on Earth wants to meet.  Greater truth cannot come to those who never bring up the possibility of it to one another.  How can there be learning when learning is itself an undiscussible surrounded by self-protective defensive routines?


A lack of self-starting initiative in both philosophy and something beyond philosophy like Zen, is the other side of a self-inhibiting willful ignorance, a refusal to learn.  Those who find the energy or spirit of inquiry mysterious, perplexing or inaccessible, secretly want it mysterious, perplexing or inaccessible.  Cultivating confusion about all this is the easy method of remaining confused.  There is no better way to avoid learning than through maintaining a posture of confusion, of playing dumb.  People do not inquire beyond their knowledge because they do not want to have any disturbing shift in their knowledge pattern.  The cognitive system is calm and stable through avoiding any disturbing new truth.  When the juice of information is running in the same old grooves and ruts, the boring member of society can feel confident, sociable and witty.  The protective shield of confusion requires being too busy to think beyond the current pattern of consensus reality.  The slight learning that will take place will come only from shock, but humanity drifts into catastrophe more easily than it learns from the shocking aftermath.  Lack of ontological initiative is deadly, invariably fatal, but most people do not want to ask advice from their inevitable death.  It is always easier to be “interested” in philosophy and metaphysics than to develop originary ontological initiative.  Many books on philosophy, Zen and far-out subjects can be read at one’s convenience as a noble avoidance of real thinking and meditation.  Adding to one’s existing knowledge pattern is not shifting it, not learning, not full cycles of deconstruction and reconstruction, not genuine exploration of the Unknown, not merging with the Unknowable.


The lack of initiative in consciousness, the deliberate suppression of energetic awakening, is the fundamental tragedy of ordinary human existence.  Without the spirit of inquiry (which means daily drifting in an unmagical life) the average human being is committing spiritual suicide.  Any real thinker who is awake to all this will have to directly witness this ugly problem in his or her personal relationships.  The stupid stare of heedlessness becomes a heavily familiar sight, an ever-present heaviness of the psychic atmosphere.  It becomes tempting to deny one’s human needs if it would liberate oneself from the company of self-enclosed, thoughtless and deliberately confused idiots who cannot understand why one is so seriously provocative about philosophical and evolutionary issues.  This is why one of the principles of the Sufi Way is solitude-in-company.  It is because the companions are not going to be inquiring, thinking and learning.  They are going to remain stuck in their self-enclosed head trips and their shallow talk when one is not around.  They are going to stonewall any real thinker/explorer in their company, even if they are emotionally attached to the physical body and personality of such a real human being.  The common anti-ontological conspiracy becomes the unconscious psychological torturing of anyone who has begun to awaken and exercise genuine intelligence.  Therefore, it requires an immense psychological strength to exercise personal philosophical and spiritual initiative on the-planet-of-the-apes we call Earth.  One becomes a local alien like The Man Who Fell To Earth.


Truth is greater than man, so it becomes a long, lonely and difficult road for an authentic human being who is in the world but not of the world.  The sociology of knowledge is a misnomer.  The sociology of ignorance is a more clear perspective.  The psychological pressures that come with the awakening of genuine inquiry into greater truth are indeed daunting.  The loss of normalcy can become a prolonged personal devastation requiring extraordinary strategies for personal survival.  Many of the teachings of the New Seer, Juan Matus, as given to Carlos Castaneda, were in and around this problem.  The warrior-traveler, the explorer of the extraordinary unknown, will have to deal with terrible tensions in all the necessary ordinary relationships with the mentally blind and dull, the neurotic and shallow, the silly and proud.  People can be emotional or nasty, but they are incapable of learning.


In a world where a university education is false and for the most part useless, it is difficult to find an alternative route up Mount Analogue.  The university student needs an inquiry into greater realities that his or her professors cannot handle.  To keep alive real learning while simultaneously having to accumulate false learning is no easy task.  One lives the life of a cognitive double agent.  One has to be convincingly post-modern and skeptical to avoid being socially martyred over real metaphysics.  This is because Truth is going to remain greater than man, which will inevitably cause pain in your personal relationships.




For some time now, a website entitled The Real Matrix has been quoting me and linking through to this website.  They propose that their particular fringe belief-system about “Hollow Earth”, “Reptilians” and a “Twelvefold Prison Universe” is somehow supported by my articles here on Neosocrates.  Since I do not support their peculiar cosmogony as such, why do they refer to me and my cosmological philosophy?  They are either (A) cynically attempting to get people to discredit my articles by making people imagine that I am somehow identified with their ridiculous cosmogony, or (B) they are so stupid and lacking in understanding of what I am really saying that they imagine that people need to deconstruct their beliefs or disbeliefs in order to arrive at the Real Matrix cosmogony as if it is “The Truth”!  But we do not rightly and truly deconstruct our beliefs and disbeliefs to arrive at some target belief system.  That would be like attempting to get Muslims to deconstruct their religion in order to convert them to Christianity, or getting Capitalists to deconstruct their political beliefs in order to convert them into Communists, which is what the North Koreans and Chinese attempted to do to captured American soldiers during the Korean War.  It was labeled as “brainwashing”, where the original belief-system is washed away in order to plant and cultivate an apposite belief-system.  Hence, what Real Matrix is trying to do is brainwash their visitors by using their website in linkage with mine.  Or, alternatively, they want my website identified with cosmogonical brainwashing.


What is potentially valuable in this rather ludicrous confrontation is that it can highlight the fact that genuine transcendence of beliefs and disbeliefs can and will arrive at higher order beliefs and disbeliefs which will themselves require future deconstruction to make possible even higher order beliefs and disbeliefs in an ascending series as a natural learning cycle.  How a true learning cycle develops is therefore infinitely more important than any one stage of belief or disbelief because no belief or disbelief can ever be final, ultimate or absolutely authoritative.  Any belief or disbelief is just the best we can get at the time until greater information and awareness forces us to break it down and build something more sophisticated.  The “Hollow Earthers” will eventually have to get beyond it, just as the “Flat Earthers” and “Solid Round Earthers” need to go beyond their believing in their model of Earth.  What if, for instance, there is a tiny star in the core of any material planet?  What if that star is inevitably surrounded by hot gaseous plasma, then by a layer of liquid volcanic molten rock and then an outer shell of cooled crust or land?  The Earth would then be hollow, but not with an inner sky, ocean, mountains, rivers, secret civilization or the like.  And what if there were hidden cavernous regions within the crust of the Earth above the molten rock level that do harbor extraterrestrial or ultraterrestrial communities?  What that pattern might actually represent in relation to the billions living on the outer surface may not be what anyone on Earth may actually know yet for real, which may not be some heavy Reptilian presence.  Or, what if the surface humanity of Earth is being held hostage by a renegade group of Reptilians who do not rule the Universe or the Milky Way Galaxy?  In any case, a genuine cosmological learner without Earthbound prejudice is going to very quickly go beyond the silly limitations of the Real Matrix website and start pondering multiple scenarios of alternative cosmological realities of the situation of the Earth.  The Truth is therefore never final but always beyond man on Earth in the various cognitive patterns of both normative and fringe ignorance.  Normative-vs.-Fringe is only a sociological problem and not a cosmological problem.


In terms of sociology, I can only say that Neosocrates and Real Matrix are not compatible, nor do they share the same cognitive aim.  The link of Real Matrix with this website is quite erroneous and misleading; nor will I form a link of Neosocrates with Real Matrix.  I am also wondering if the Real Matrix people are not also trying to discredit Val Valerian and his Leading Edge website.  What do you think, dear reader?  What are you learning here?




