Exploring The Meaning Of "Avatar"
by Rudra Chakrin

Visitor:  Why do you declare yourself an “Avatar” as so many other famous Gurus in India, America and Europe have done?  Why can’t you just say you are an advanced or enlightened individual and leave it at that?  Why do you want to turn off mature seekers with such trivial egomania?

Rudra Chakrin:  Picture that a pearl-diver has brought up a large batch of two dozen oysters and that all these oysters are claiming to possess The Priceless Pearl.  If the oyster actually containing The Priceless Pearl was simply making sure that he would also be opened up and examined in order to deliver The Priceless Pearl, would it be a bad thing or rather an act of extreme generosity?  Also, would not the inevitable exposure of the emptiness and pretentiousness of the other claimant oysters be a service to Truth Itself?  So, your real problem is how to open the oysters and have a look.  What you believe or disbelieve about one or more of the oysters (without opening them and seeing directly) is useless.  This is where you have to begin.  So our conversation will only become meaningful for you (and others) if you will simply suspend disbelief without equating that learning step with conversion to belief.  Can you suspend disbelief?  Then, we can explore together the meaning of “Avatar” and achieve a new and more realistic perspective on this issue, which could prove to be a very crucial issue in this time of great evil, abuse of power and obvious self-destruction of the World of Humanity and of the ecological system of the Earth.  Do you really know through direct divine superconsciousness that I or anyone is not an Avatar?

Visitor:  Don’t you need a bigger and bigger following of emotionally enthusiastic true believers to change the world and start a new religion?

R.C.:  Not at all.  It would even be a major hindrance.  My Great Function as an Avatar or Maitreya Buddha is cosmic and not sociological.  Emotional believers or “sheep”, as well as intellectual disbelievers or “goats”, have no real affect upon what needs to happen.  Neither class are real individuals yet.  Both types are inwardly, spiritually empty and powerless.

Visitor:  What is your actual Avatar Function as you see it?

R.C.:  It is the descent of My Godself into the Karmic Realm of the Earth as an act of Cosmic Empathy with the upper evolutionary third of mankind for their survival and self-renewal in the face of the empty and false lower two-thirds of mankind, who are all subhuman in human bodies and unworthy of human bodies.  This lower class includes their criminally insane military, political, economic and outer prejudicial religious leaders.  My Being-Here, existentially speaking, is especially focused on a statistically tiny group of Real Individuals on the path of True Spiritual Development toward Godself Awakening.

Visitor:  Then you would not try to create a sociopolitical movement to overthrow the world’s leaders and set up a New Order of your own concoction?

R.C.:  No.  Such events would only perhaps emerge of themselves somewhere down the line without My direct instigation, overt leadership or personal participation.  My approach is like that of Lao Tsu as Leading-Without-Leading

Visitor:  How can we tell what is a false Avatar?

R.C.:  False Avatars put a lot of personal energy into increasing their numbers of emotionally gullible followers.  They always want social glory and expanding of their outer self-importance.

Visitor:  Shree Gajanan Maharaj of Maharasthra, India, says he is the Kalki Avatar.  What is your opinion of him?

R.C.:  I have no opinion of him.

Visitor:  The long-lived four hundred years old Nath Yogi, Sri Gagangiri Maharaj, has appointed one of his followers as Kalki Avatar.

R.C.:  Maybe the Guru, Mountain Man Gagangiri, wants to teach his disciple an important lesson in Maya or sociological delusion by feeding and energizing an insane path of Ego.

Visitor:  What about Da Free John Franklin Jones?  He claims to be some sort of radical new kind of “Avatar” and has a big following among Westerners?

R.C.:  He is nothing but an overheated causal ego reincarnation of the German philosopher, Friedrich Nietzsche.  He deludes himself and his followers on the basis of experiences he had of rising into the causal body after being given Shaktipat by Swami Muktananda.  He is deeply confused about his actual level of being and covers it up with a vainglorious inventiveness of intellect.  He is a brilliant farce with an occasional useful insight for the disinterested seeker who does not cling to him or his situation.

Visitor:  Some people say similar things about you.

R.C.:  Why?  I have no following or big outer establishment.  On the basis of popularity or having-a-following, I remain trivial and meaningless.

Visitor:  Don’t you have some popular websites where you are spreading your teachings?

R.C.:  My websites are small stuff and hardly “popular”, nor do I offer personal contact or build-up a following or cult somewhere.  I have explained before that I see My websites as something like bird-feeders.  I do not gather up the little birds and put them in a special cage.  Shambhala does not recruit participants from the world of seekers at large.  Shambhala, like Myself, has a cosmic function on the Earth, not a sociological expansion.  Hence, how many believe or disbelieve in Shambhala is virtually meaningless, just as with Myself.

Visitor:  Shouldn’t the New World Order be afraid of a powerful cosmic person like yourself?

R.C.:  Why?  I have no big influence nor a political or military significance within their insane and shallow understanding of human life on Earth.  For people of that ilk, I remain an insignificant “conspiracy theorist” and an “insane crank” with “religious delusions of grandeur”.  For them, I am an irrelevant nutcase who is somehow also mysteriously a successful businessman and a leading world expert on organizational learning and scenario planning.  Some of their agents find me rather incongruous and inexplicable—a man of improbable accomplishments—but still minor league stuff without heavy influence anywhere.

Also, you should try to understand that My Cosmic Power is not dependent on My personal human body or how much outer influence I have or do not have among decision-makers on the planet.  Ultimately, we cannot say that I, this Godself, was born in this physical body, this subtle mind or this causal consciousness.  Nor do I die.  Godself is fundamentally birthless and deathless.  “Avatar” is a descent of Supracausal Presence, not of the Being.  If a shaft of sunlight shines down a dark well, illuminating everything in the well, it does not mean the Sun itself went down a well.

Furthermore, on this analogy, no New World Order shadow or group of spiritually dark and blind world leaders, can attack or destroy Divine Light.  In fact, the more the Divine Light comes into the world, the more it naturally obliterates the darkness and the puppet “leaders” of darkness.  The Real Truth of what has really been happening will come out more and more, with or without a special physical intervention of an Extraterrestrial Cosmic Army from outer space.

Visitor:  Mother Meera in Germany says she is the Avatar Mother bringing down the Divine Light.

R.C.:  She is!

Visitor:  I thought you said you were the Avatar.

R.C.:  I am.

Visitor:  I don’t understand.  Do you mean there are two Kalki Avatars, one male and one female?

R.C.:  Not at all.  There can be only one Kalki Avatar.

Visitor:  You are confusing me!  Please explain Mother Meera as you see her.

R.C.:  I am Mother Meera.  There is no other Purusha or Divine Individuality within her.  Mother Meera is a nirmana chitta, artificial causal body or ego, created by Me as a secondary or auxiliary Avatar to incarnate and radiate My Motherly Compassion Power to all souls that need it.  Intellectually, she is not a real individual and is quite ignorant of cosmic truth, but has only nominal knowledge and understanding, as well as some minor prejudices, stored in her Hindu-conditioned brain.

When Mother Meera says she is not a reincarnating human soul, it is the truthThis, My present male body, is where My individual and natural, primary causal body is reflected in this heart as a Dharmakaya Buddha.

Through Mother Meera, I can have a merciful social function for large masses of people without having to get directly involved in that kind of thing, which would disturb, distort and distract My Primary Mission as Kalki Avatar.

Visitor:  My God!  If what you say is true, this is utterly unheard of and rather fantastic.  I don’t know what to believe at this point!  You are either a truly awesome and unexpected surprise for humanity or you are even more of a deluded egomaniac than I thought you were.  Therefore, I have to ask you, are you really Mother Meera?

R.C.:  I am the Godself of Mother Meera.  She has no other Godself.  She is My temporal creation to get a big new mercy to those who need the empowerment of their spiritual quest.  She is an empowerment from Me, not a teacher or explainer.  Getting Darshan of her is important for many little souls who have been stuck in their personal evolution.

Visitor:  What, then, went wrong with Martin Goodman, who was first her dazzled follower and then her critical detractor?

R.C.:  Nothing went wrong.  With Martin Goodman as a homosexual, Mother Meera’s conditioned human brain could not handle the issue and superficially condemned him for it.  This was a stupendous blow to his outer homosexual ego and its psychological problems.  The moment he sought teaching rather than Grace, he blew the Grace-connection as it were.  He felt something akin to a Divine Betrayal of Faith.

Visitor:  What then is your understanding of homosexuality, if I may ask?  How would you have taught Martin Goodman?

R.C.:  I am an Avatar, not a Teacher or Guru.  However, if I were, I would point out that when the causal body is filled with samskaras, deep impressions, and vasanas, desire-tendencies, of a sexually active female from several lifetimes of incarnation as a woman, the taking up of a male incarnation is very disturbing and stressful in the new human heart because that same heart is filled with unavoidable sexual attraction to males and wants a male lover.  It is perfectly natural in such cases and should not be condemned or persecuted.

Visitor:  Do you believe Martin Goodman subsequently met a materialized immortal body of Carlos Castaneda?

R.C.:  I will not make an opinion one way or another.  It is more instructive for all concerned to leave the issue open and see what can be learned from it.  However, it seems possible that he may have been revenging his personal “spiritual” ego on the Divine by concocting such a dramatic encounter for himself to support his homosexuality as somehow occultly interesting and justified.  His bruised public ego perhaps felt pressured to come up with something extraordinary and impressive.  But the fact also remains that Nagual Sorcerers and Seers can sometimes materialize their Double into a reasonably functional facsimile of an organic human body, though it is not the real thing.  That Carlos Castaneda was trained to be able to perform such a siddhi or extraordinary function, is also true.  That he, Castaneda, who was heavily heterosexual, would bring his Double to Martin Goodman to support occult homosexuality, does not make much sense, yet there is a slight possibility of it.  In his career as a C.I.A. assassin, Castaneda had killed people in Spain.  So, perhaps out of shame and guilt for all that, he may have found somewhere to show up in that region of the world as a helpful act toward humanity and to get it eloquently written about by contacting a good writer who would be highly motivated.  It is a marvelous open issue!

Visitor:  Would you be willing to let Martin Goodman meet with you and write about you?

R.C.:  No, I would not.  I do not need Martin Goodman for anything.  His misunderstanding with My Mother Meera extension was quite enough and I do not need the social expansion he would be thrusting on my personal presence here.

Visitor:  If you are an Avatar or a Cosmic Buddha, you certainly appear to have some very far-out knowledge and unusual insights or experiences.  I can even begin to accept that my believing or disbelieving in you, or anyone else for that matter, only inhibits and constricts my learning journey or quest for spiritual truth.

R.C.:  Good!  That means your causal body is moving toward the state of a Dharmakaya or Truth-enlightenment which would stimulate the awakening of Godself for the growth and crystallization of a Vajrakaya of Buddhahood on the level of Fourth State Atman or Purusha.

Visitor:  Then you don’t mind that I do not fall at your feet and ask you to be my Guru?

R.C.:  Hardly.  For one thing, I would not accept you as a personal disciple.  You would just get in the way and bring Me your useless personal problems and bad karmas.  If you sometime suddenly feel you need Compassionate Grace-empowerment, you could always visit Mother Meera body, armed with the knowledge I have given you about it.  You could even enjoy the masculine vigor of the way She works!

Visitor:  Then you are saying that anyone who wants Kalki Grace-empowerment should go have the Darshan of Mother Meera?

R.C.:  Yes, that is what I am saying because I will not personally do it here as this body.

Visitor:  Why do I have the feeling that you are going to become a very controversial figure?

R.C.:  Because that is what is needed for a certain section of humanity to stimulate a paradigm shift about the spiritual evolution of humanity.

Visitor:  Aren’t you in danger of provoking hoards of would-be-followers and angry detractors desperately seeking your personal attention?  Also, I myself found you when I became keen for your attention.  Many others could also find you.

R.C.:  All such people should read the section on Attention Factor in Idries Shah’s excellent Sufi book, Learning How To Learn.  The sense of attention-deprivation is not spirituality-deprivation.

As for who may or may not find this body, it is not in their hands even in regard to how hard they might even try.

Visitor:  Is it true that an amazing group of Extraterrestrial soldiers have been recently set-up on or within a mountain on Mars in readiness for a possible benign invasion of Earth?

R.C.:  Yes, it is probably true.  But, again, why not leave it an open issue?  You will learn more that way.  Think of it as an Earth Transitional Crisis meditation theme.

Visitor:  Should Bush and Blair be afraid of that possible cosmic military group on Mars?

R.C.:  Such idiotic, ignorant and foolish puppet leaders of the New World Order are intellectually incapable of seeing the very real and concrete threat.  If they could, they would have to undergo a massive Worldview Shift that would cause them to come unglued and have to be replaced with yet other criminally insane New World Order appointed puppet leaders.  The replacement puppet leaders would of course be even more incapable of processing cosmic information.

Visitor:  Then all the controllers and leaders within and behind the so-called New World Order are just hapless fools and puppets of cosmic forces of darkness or bad karma.

R.C.:  That is correct.  You have obviously read David Icke’s books about such entities of black-hearted evil and inhumane lack of compassion.  All that cannot carry on much longer.

Visitor:  You and Shambhala will not directly attack the New World Order?  Is that what you are talking about here?

R.C.:  Light does not attack darkness, but just becomes overwhelmingly present.

Visitor:  O.K., now let me ask you a straight question.  Are you really God?

R.C.:  Yes.  And so are you!  I am an awake Godself and you are a sleeping Godself.  The more strongly you reflect on this assertion intellectually, the more your causal body brightens up and stimulates the potential awakening and formation of the supracausal body or Godself.  It is a natural and inevitable process.

Visitor:  Are there other Godselves incarnate on the Earth who do not function as Avatars?

R.C.:  Yes.

Visitor:  Will you say more about them?

R.C.:  Meditate on beings like Matsyendra Melchizedek and Guru Rinpoche Padma Sambhava, as well as Herakhan Baba Gorakhnath, Agastya Muni and Khizr Elias.

Visitor:  Will you say more about these incredible and secretive supermen and what they do?

R.C.:  I will not say more at this time in this context.

Visitor:  Should I try to meet one of them?

R.C.:  Do not delude yourself!  If you need to meet such beings, some new awakening would have to take place in you and one of Them would perhaps respond to that, though it is unlikely.  It is out of your hands.  You do not need to become more of a socially expansive miracle-monger than you already are.

Visitor:  Don’t you work miracles?

R.C.:  My miracles are so huge that they cannot appear to you as “miracles”.  So there is no issue of “miracles” around me on the undeveloped level of yourself or the thousands of other people like you.

Visitor:  Thousands of Western seekers went to visit Nisargadatta Maharaj in Bombay because they heard that miracles were happening there with him.  Was that wrong?

R.C.:  It was perfect for both his mission as a Sadguru and the need of many of those people for his wise and intelligent teaching about Self-introspection of the certainty-of-Being contained in the thought “I am”.  He taught people to go beyond miracle-mongering into direct inner illumination.  Therefore, the aura of the miraculous about him was a sort-of divine ruse to help people toward Self-awakening.

Visitor:  Do you believe in the Supramental Transformation of the human body as taught by Aurobindo, The Mother and Sat Prem?

R.C.:  That is a very positive, powerful and wonderful ideal to pursue.  It is even better if you study the example of such a thing as actually lived to this day by Padma Sambhava and if you make use of Kriya Yoga as transmitted by Herakhan Baba Gorakhnath and the Taoist Immortals.  A thorough all-perfecting Yoga of this nature is symbolized in the green Dhyani Buddha, Ammoghasiddhi.  But all depends on the awakening of Godself.  Without that awakening, there is no Supramentality to bring to the outer three bodies.  As long as you are wandering in Samsara as an ignorant causal ego, the whole thing will just remain a wonderful idea or idealistic causal aspiration that you might preach about without direct realization.  Lots of causal egos went and stayed at Aurobindo Ashram in Pondicherry, but the advertised result did not happen for them.

Visitor:  You certainly seem to know your stuff!  You have given me a lot to think about.

R.C.:  Yes, indeed.  Now, this interview is at an end.

Visitor:  Will you please give me a hint as to what I need to do to make my spiritual quest fruitful?

R.C.:  Search beyond your hidden prejudices, beyond your Western conditioning.  Go beyond all your usual evaluations.  Seek total occult, spiritual, divine and cosmic truth.  Leave no stone unturned and spare no expense.  Also, take up personal purification, regeneration and Yoga as you keep searching.  Let ever-new knowledge modify your personal practices so they can become more effective.  Also learn to detect Kaif, the spiritual energy in certain objects and situations, so that you are a real pilgrim.  Keep up Holy Mantra and let it change as you learn and develop, because every stage of human enlightenment has its appropriate mantra or self-induced vibration and meaning.  Do not suppress the awakening of natural devotion and compassion in your heart as you go along.  You do not have to join a specific religion or cult for the Heart-awakenings, which the Sufis call Qalb-tajalli.  A path without Heart is too brainy, dead and personally corrupt.  At the same time, understand Tantra as taught by Rajneesh so that you do not stupidly suppress your sexuality or natural awareness of Life.  Suppression or self-deadening will not help you.  Also, be kind, forgiving and do not seek revenge on those who hurt your life.  Pay the karma and do not renew it with evil thoughts, words or deeds.  Be good at what you do.  Whatever is worth doing is worth doing well, just like in the documentary about The Living Treasures of Japan.  Do not set yourself up as a teacher nor try to be the spiritual leader of a community of selfish, confused and exploitive Western Seekers.  They are shit and would turn your life to shit, thus delaying your real progress.  Do not be endlessly seeking social connections about all this.  Let your meeting with Me be the culmination of your social networking rather than just another social episode of your confusion and vanity.  Become more natural and down-to-Earth about everything and stop trying to get all sorts of silly people you meet “interested” in occult or spiritual subjects.  Avoid spending long hours on the Web for endless social networking about all this because the Web is a manifestation of Maya.  Maya destroys all human potential by sucking the soul and energy out of people through social interaction.

Now that you have this Big Hint, make real use of it and do not deceive yourself.  Even those who read it accidentally on My Website should take it to heart and stop wasting their time and their life in silly, useless and draining discussions or activities.