Intellectual Anguish About God
And The Real Universe

by Rudra Chakrin

You know you are actually confused and uncertain about Who’s Who in the Superhuman realms beyond ordinary, ignorant and hapless humanity as well as about What’s What in the extant Universe beyond the Earth.  The Ultraterrestrial and the Extraterrestrial are not within your grasp or control.  Your paradigms or cognitive models of these things are shaky and rather pretentious, but still you want your opinions to be influential.  Your hidden intellectual anguish is not, however, hidden from genuine Ultraterrestrial and Extraterrestrial Intelligence.  You can and do hide your actual state of being from others on your own level of evolution or below it, but not from those beyond you.


The real reason you are here confronting My Divine and Cosmic Truth is because your own unimpressive beliefs and disbeliefs make up nothing but a deeply dark and uncertain cognitive pattern in your brain where you revolve in circles without a way out to something better, to truly higher and far-out real knowledge.  The fact therefore remains that you and you alone have created and maintain your secret confusion and anguish.  Do what you will, you cannot with your present all-too-limited cognitive faculty come to a genuinely realistic judgment of what Avatars, Gods or Cosmic Systems really are or what they might actually do about you, your fellow humans or the planet Earth in the near or long-range future.  Therefore, your highest priority is to learn to have periodic paradigm shifts about all this.  You urgently need to learn how to learn.  And if My provocative assertions and revelations have managed to make you feel disturbed, then I am part of your evolutionary potential even when you try to reject My Presence in a human body on your planet at this time.


You are suffering from a spiritual illness, a darkness and fragmentation in your causal body (your reincarnational ego) below the level of your sleeping, unawakened Godself or True Self-nature.  Trying to get relief from your causal condition through attacking the effects, the symptoms, the unwanted facts of greater truths and beings beyond your comprehension or acceptability, will never mend or plug up all the rips and holes in your worldview.  As long as you cling desperately to your present ignorant conclusions and intellectual arrogance about matters beyond your scope, your secret angry anguish will continue to drive you emotionally into a cosmic deadend of frustration.


No God of any cosmic scale or divine level has to respond to your crude demands for proofs, answers or anything else!  You must allow the Guiding Spirit of Truth that pervades the Universe to teach you rather than to meet your emotional, selfish demands; for it is only when you have learned certain things now missing in your thinking that you will truly know what does and does not need divine or cosmic attention to you or your concerns in your existential life that inexorably moves toward your Death on Earth.


There is a very natural thing that happens to aspiring human beings which you cannot rightly interfere with and it is this: each individual seeker gets attracted to whom or what resonates with the seeker’s actual level of evolution and motivation.  You are simply not the standard for this in anyone or anything.  Try to understand that when each seeker’s evolution, motivation and understanding become more refined, much higher attractions with better results will take place, which even then, is none of your business!  Step by step, Divine powers are bringing seekers toward eventual higher development, even if it takes several lifetimes of only semi-mature involvements and episodes.  Human progress (which you claim to be concerned about) is on the whole very slow for most human souls or reincarnational karmic egos of Time and Space, Matter, Energy and Information (MESTI).  Even in the “spiritual field”, most enter into it with far too much of reactive emotional ego and too little of extensive, concentrated study, meditation, intuition and higher thinking, as well as too little change of bad physical and mental habits.  There is inwardly too much of socializing, mutual exploitation and lack of essential discipline.  There is also at first no real capacity for entering into Heightened Awareness, Inner Silence or Raising Quantum Kundalini Energy in the atomic structure of the body.


If all this is beginning to “get to you” because you can face your own facts a little at last, do not go from argumentative pride to despairing self-pity!  To be rightly disillusioned is a cause for celebration, not to go into a funk of feeling sorry for yourself or feeling especially cursed to have been born on the savage and retarded planet Earth.  There are great possibilities here for you if you will learn to detect them and realize them in the right way.  In fact, in My Divine and Cosmic Self, I command you to permanently stop being a chronic self-pitying idiot about all things that routinely bother you!  Stop all complaining and whining about others and the world.  Get on with your awakening self-improvements and possible higher development.  Learn to be anonymously helpful to humanity without putting on self-important airs about your karmic social self, your physical ego.  You are most definitely not an Avatar or even a Bodhisattva, so you have no Burden-of-Importance to carry.  You have no idea how fortunate you are in this respect!