Kalki Quantum Yoga
by Rudra Chakrin


My core gift to humanity is a form of organic self-determination as a further development of ancient Yoga of breathing up the back of the central neurosystem and back down the front through visualization with accompanying mental sounds, mind mantras.  This heightens the quantum energy levels in the atomic structure of the human body, which was known in Ancient India as the Kundalini Shakti or Serpent Power, for this Yoga was transmitted to advanced human beings by advanced and benign members of the Reptilian Race.


The technique is done by breathing-in with visualization and the mantra HAWM-SAWH from the heels of the feet on up the back of the spine to the center at the back of the head.  Then, with the breath held in, visualizing Infinite Light of Paramatman, Supreme Spirit Godself, overhead with the seed-mantra, KAW.  Then, this overhead Light and Life-Power are brought down exhaling from the forehead and down the front of the spine to the Life-center in the middle of the lower belly just below the level of the navel with the mantric mental sound of HREEM-SREEH.  Then, with the breath held out, the seed mantra KLEE is mentally sounded and visualized as penetrating every single cell and atom of the body.


There is no contradiction whatsoever of this circulation of the Paramatman Light and Power in the human neurosystem and the Kriya or Action of Mahakundalini Shaktipat Yoga.  Aurobindo and his followers imagine a difference, but that is a self-defeating dogma which Venkat Reddy wrongly instilled into My secondary avatar, Mother Meera, and which I am now correcting.  Pragmatically, this does not change the quality of Mahakundalini Descent-of-Power that comes down through Mother Meera as bestowal of Paramatman Light.  However, by doing what the Taoists call a full Macrocosmic Circulation of Light for the joint cultivation of Essential Self-nature Above and Eternal Life Below, and merging the super-mantra of HAWM-SAWH-KAW HREEM-SREEH-KLEE with it, one assumes correct Self-realizing Self-responsibility for the Kalki plus Meera Grace of Paramatman that one receives.  The Descending aspect is particularly under the auspices of Mother Meera and the Ascending aspect under the auspices of Father Kalki.  Meera is Superangelic and Kalki is Superhuman.  Both reflect and channel the Galactic Deity, Sadguru Swami Brahman Nathji, Lord of Yoga, and His Consort, Brahmashakti Paramadevi, Lady Kundalini.  When the Paramatman Light of Mahakundalini Shaktipat fully and spontaneously strikes all four levels of a seeker in the supracausal, causal, subtle and physical levels from the Fifth State or Turiyateeta Beyond-the-Fourth level of Pure, Natural Being of Sahaja Nirguna Sachidananda Brahman, one's physical body holographically reflects the entire physical body of the Galaxy and every cell gets lit-up with a particular star of our Galaxy.  The Galactic God and Goddess thus share their Being with the aspiring Yogi or Yogini through this Yoga.


Blessed and protected are the sincere seekers who receive openheartedly and thankfully this Galactic Kalki Quantum Yoga of the Light and Force or Paramatman.  As for those who ignore it, they have a long and painful road of endless births and deaths in difficult circumstances.  As for those who spit on this Yoga and similar teachings of the spiritual traditions of the Earth, they shall suffer in Hell followed by reincarnation as animals or very low humans in situations of extreme stress and malnutrition with no chance to evolve until spiritual aspiration dawns with respect for senior evolutionary people.  Presently, Apocalyptic cataclysms are being arranged for dull, selfish, smartass materialistic deniers of spiritual evolution and the Real People of Yoga.


In My Oneness with Galactic Deity, Sadguru Brahman, I can tell you that My Severe Right Hand of punishment of materialistic deniers of Spirituality is in the form of the Satanic New World Order and My Merciful Left Hand of compassion is in the form of the New Shambhala for the sake of good-willed, harmonious and intelligent spiritual seekers who open to Universal Truth beyond petty dogmas and limited beliefs.


Kalki Quantum Yoga accelerates the evolution of the atoms and cells of the human body, stimulates Godself Awakening, Shivatma-Bodha; strengthens genuine Free-Will-Power, Svatantrya Iccha-Shakti, for overcoming bad habits and rooting out character weaknesses, and brings down stupendous Baraka, Blessing, of Light and Empowerment.  One is enabled to undertake personal purification on all levels and experience the Miraculous or Siddhayoga in an encouraging way beyond occult greediness or building up of occult arrogance or exploiting of helpless, gullible idiots.  One harmoniously develops and learns to make anonymous spiritual contributions or perform services without motive of making money or gaining fame and repute on the New Age scene.  Kalki Quantum Yoga speeds up one's karmas and consumes them in the Kundalini Quantum Fire as genuine Agni Yoga of the New Shambhala.


One single circulating breath of Kalki Quantum Yoga is the equivalent of one solar year of ordinary mechanical slow evolution of a human neurosystem on Earth.  Hence, one can accomplish in one lifetime and its resultant physical supramentalized immortal body what it will take the vast majority of Yoga-denying smartass, brain-egotistical humans a million years to accomplish in the Sun's normal orbit around the Kali Ma'at Blackhole Mother Sun of Twenty-six thousand years, over and over again.


The super-advanced Mahayogi Herakhan Baba Gorakhnath of India gave a form of Kalki Quantum Yoga to Lahiri Mahasay, who in turn gave it to Sri Yukteshwar Giri, who passed it on to Paramahansa Yogananda, who settled in Los Angeles in the United States, where he gave it out to Western Yoga students.  In the New Shambhala, we unify that form of it with additional aspects developed by the fifty-thousand year old Sage from Sirius B known in South India as Agastya Muni, plus insights and techniques from Ancient Chinese Taoist Yoga coming down from Lu Tung Pin and other Taoist Immortals.


Kalki Quantum Yoga has sacred centers all throughout the Galaxy that are more ancient than any tradition of it on Earth.  I personally practiced this superancient Yoga as Lord Shiva thousands of years ago and I still practice it here and now today at My secret ashram in the Scandinavian Arctic.  I do Eternal Sadhana because I am an Ascendent Being, not a Descendent Being like Mother Meera, Our Galactic Angel embodiment.  I was originally initiated into this Yoga by Adisesha/Patanjali/Govinda Pujyapada.  The Immortal Rishis of Kali Math, Himalaya, Uttar Pradesh, will testify to this to anyone fortunate enough to meet one or another of them.


Kalki Quantum Yoga is also the Tejabindu Yoga of the Radiant Point, for the KAW-point overhead is also the entire twelvefold Time-Space Universe and the KLEE-point is each Time-Space Atom in one's body, which is a Microcosmic Universe, just as the twelvefold Time-Space Universe is an immense Carbon Atom of six pairs of matter-anti-matter time-anti-time expanding and contracting, pulsating, quantum universes.  To understand the implications of this as to Reality and Consciousness, meditate on the Tejabindopanishad and read UFO Contact Planet Iarga by Wendell Stevens.


Each stage of development of Kalki Quantum Yoga has an appropriate Kriya Mantra for a given individual beyond the general start-up mantra given here in this article, which will lead to the next Kriya Mantra which is bestowed directly from within by Sadguru Brahman through Adishakti.  Each stage has your intuitively clear form of Kriya Mantra that will be appropriate with your understanding of Sri Mantra Vidya, which is sometimes just called Sri Vidya, the Holy Science, which should be extensively studied in Sanskrit, Twilight Speech, and AUI, Cosmic Language of Space or Common Galactic, as it were.


Kalki Quantum Yoga is also the best way to cope with Global Problems of sick and twisted humanity and their phony, evil leaders of the increasing destruction.  Genuine personal transformation is the right response to the prevailing social environment of personal degeneration.  To be a Kriya Yogi or Yogini rather than a stupid, degenerating normal is the most powerful solution to the increasing threats of man-made plagues, police state, propaganda and social conformity pressure.  Combined with the ancient teachings of Tantra (and the secondary but supportive liberal teachings of Osho Rajneesh and Hakim Bey) within the spirit of Old Kailas and My Way of Shiva is fully resurrected.  A Kalki Quantum Yogi or Yogini is ultimately a sexually active Galactic Immortal traveling to the stars with their own kind.  The New Shambhala is not destined to be stuck on the planet Earth amidst the unyogic and anti-yogic wretched masses of boring and backward smartass fools that one encounters in the pseudo-spiritual Web forums.