Attunement To Shambhala
by Rudra Chakrin


Shambhala is a node of advanced civilization from within the Galaxy.  It is a portal between worlds and dimensions, and because of this it has special protocols of engagement and non-engagement with spiritual seekers on the Earth.  Most spiritual seekers on the Earth usually do not really know what to seek or where or with whom.  Therefore, even if you believe you know that we represent the kind of advanced people you may truly need to interact with sooner or later, we are not rejecting that possibility entirely.  If you are preparing yourself in the right way and rapidly working through your outstanding karmas and overcoming your personal disabilities, then when you are inwardly focusing on us as real beings in a real situation instead of on one or another of the romantic myths about us, then we naturally begin to include you in our own meditations on the evolutionary transition of humankind on Earth.  When you are lightly and gently included in this way, it can in some cases lead to some deliberate effort on your behalf.


None of this means you are being promised direct contact or special cosmic opportunities, nor does it mean that this website or any other public outlet should be construed by you as an advertisement to convince you to join a social movement as with Trungpa’s shallow and virtually useless “Shambhala Training Program” carried out by his superficial zealous successors or similar New Age groupings.  What we are doing is just pointing out that you may be under Ultraterrestrial and Extraterrestrial observation and may be given some consideration.  A higher connection is possible for you if you can learn the right way to approach it, which means that you have to feel all this intuitively and work with it patiently within yourself without getting excited or upsetting yourself with demands for dramatic or blatantly miraculous personal attention.


You do have a problem about all this that requires an inner change in your perspective.  It is this: your material ego, your worried or aggressive consciousness bubbling in your human brain, cannot exist or carry on at all without its limited judgment of the World, the Universe and of Shambhala, as well as its limited perspective on spiritual or occult traditions upon the Earth.  Your ordinary aspiring and assuming consciousness will therefore develop personal frustration about all this to affect a certain outcome.  So your mind will tend to carry-out self defeating repeated mental patterns, judgments and reactions that are not to the real point of anything real, which further pushes you psychologically to go on forming judgments and generating purposes toward Shambhala or other exalted situations or operations of a cosmic character but without such judgments or purposes having refinement, attunement, authenticity or validity.  You need therefore to become more realistically observant of how your own mind works so that it will stop misleading you into its useless and imaginary hopes, trips and social expansions of self-importance.  This further means that you must become more clear about the kind of things that motivate you in all this, about the ways your mind becomes disturbed and confused in regard to situations it wants to achieve for itself rather than for your coming higher good.


Will you now learn to avoid any tendency to give rise to despair, frustration, jealousy, envy, hatred, anger or violence from within your mind about anyone or any situation whatsoever?  This means to calm down such negative and neurotic tendencies not only in your action or speech, but even in your thoughts you project toward or about others.  You must see how such negative mental states and tendencies will only keep you embroiled in the ordinary life of sick, twisted and dull humanity on the Earth, which creates future suffering for you.  Do you understand why this had to be pointed out to you?  Bad karma operates on all levels of your being and therefore you must stop creating it or feeding it on any level whatsoever.


Now, if you have come this far, you should try to see that nothing you truly need will ever be kept from you at the right time in the right place with the right people.  At the same time you will have to learn that neither I nor any other cosmic representative will ever bother to prove ourselves to you or any other aspiring and demanding person who is not worthy or ready to receive the proof in the right way and do the right thing about it.  Those who need proof always get it and in the manner, place and time where they truly do need it.  Invariably such persons always have a better, more promising attitude toward proof than those who are critically arrogant, demanding, argumentative and unreceptive.  Such people never like anything unusual that does not increase their self-importance or indulge some selfish or intellectual desire or standard they have crystallized their brain around.  Such people necessarily have to be kept in the dark about what we are doing and how we actually do it or go about.  So when these people say, “I would like more proof before I will really believe any of this or commit myself to it”, they do not perceive what their own condition really is that is preventing cosmic action from directly reaching them.  Usually they simply rot to death after years and years of arrogant doubting and complaining about anything or anyone even remotely connected to cosmic and personal evolution.  They not only miss the boat but do not even know there was a boat to miss.  Their proud little brain just gets buried or cremated in the end, leaving an empty, confused and wholly unimportant ghost drifting unhappily in the after-death subtle envelope of the Earth, slowly and painfully disintegrating from lack of spiritual initiative and enlightenment.  Its unhappy doubts and opinions have zero value in the real Universe.  Even in the other world, proof is useless and meaningless for such ghosts of the modern dead and cannot help them.


Now, even though we are rather unimpressed by Chögyam Trungpa’s efforts about Shambhala, (where he himself did not make it to because he was too busy promoting himself in America), we like a statement he made that said more or less, “The opening up of the path of the Shambhala Warrior is not a training in ultimate paranoia where the forces of materialism of the setting-sun world seem always poised to destroy anything good that tries to happen.  The real training is in ultimate solidity, the development of trust in the basic goodness hidden within everyone and everything.”


This fundamental trust is beyond such things as religious faith and doctrinal certitude.  It is about a very deep and real resonance in the depths of your being; it is about a calling in yourself where you are already innocently part of that which calls you, which means you do not and cannot do anything artificial, tricky or deceptive about it. You make a very basic shift in your being away from calculating some advantage for yourself and moving toward a truly harmonious merging with the grand pattern of higher evolution that exists secretly within and beyond the world of ignorant, troubled and self-destructive humanity.  In this state of basic goodness, of innocence and harmony, you are suddenly free to drop out of the whole struggle of social competition and confrontation in the spiritual field.  You are no longer trying to publish your book and you give up on advertising your “spiritual centre” where you imagine you are a great healer and/or guide for come one, come all; you just learn to get better at honest work in a life where your spiritual development is private and your spiritual influence is anonymous.  As long as you want money or popularity from your spirituality, you are hopeless and wholly outside the real pattern of genuine evolutionary action on and around the Earth.  We will never even consider including you as long as you remain pretentious and socially ambitious.  Your efforts may gain you financial and sexual opportunities, but they will block you from the full-blown higher development.  Do you see this?  Even if you are unable to change your life situation into something you really want, you can always change yourself into what you really need to be, which is an authentic human being on the basic Earth.  Paradoxically, when you become a genuine basic individual in this way, then your actual life-situation begins to change into what you most deeply wanted and needed all along and without any phony pseudo-spiritual labels on it, which has nothing to do with what you visualized for yourself in your old state of falsehood, pretence and social idealism.


Attunement to Shambhala means that wherever you are right now, the totality and complexity of your present situation, is the true goal of what has been endlessly bothering you.  The wholeness of your immediate world, of your true being here and now, is thus revealed to you as exactly what you really need or it would not be happening, which means you can drop any future outcome your anxious brain keeps chewing on.  This is the Basic Sanity of Basic Goodness through which you allow Reality to enter your world, your life, your body and your very being.  This is more than fearless warriorship.  It is the emergence of heightened awareness and clarity.  This is the Way of Shambhala.  The more you go this way, the less you feel left-out or deprived of what is highest and most deeply important for you.  You will always thank yourself for shifting into Basic Sanity.