Question Your Assumptions
And You Will Learn More
by Rudra Chakrin

How do you awaken in the morning?  Is it with vague dread, anxiety or a sense of weary depression?  Do you start your day more or less tired and tense?  So the first assumption you may need to question is if you have to accept your usual way of getting up in the morning.  Why should your day not start with a powerful mantra connected with your breathing?  Why should your day not start with a kundalini current of intense immortalizing life-energy all throughout your body?  Why should you not begin each day with a growing sense of creative opportunity to undertake improvement, learning and development in every area of your life?  Will you now learn to keep questioning yourself about the way you wake up in the morning?


Every day of your life is an opportunity to create something new and to develop genuine appreciation of all the great individual lives and teachings that have been expressed on the Earth (and even beyond the Earth around distant stars or even in far-away galaxies, for even now there is growing information through extraterrestrial contact about other humanities beyond our local ignorant, proud, neurotic and unhappy humanity).


Can you learn to question your assumptions as to why other people show a seemingly personal interest in you on the Web and through e-mails they send you?  Can you learn to not be gullible to the exploiters?  They do not genuinely appreciate Ultraterrestrials or Extraterrestrials.  In their desperately ignorant and proudly neurotic state, they are actually very materialistic and sensate in their supposedly spiritual socializing and offerings of their advice or friendship.  Will you now question the real motives of those who personally contact you?  And will you question your real motives in personally contacting others?


How do you actually live your daily life and go about your business?  Can you learn to observe the persistent background fear and anxiety in your mind along with obvious tension and discomfort of your body?  Do you see how anxiety and tension of your mind and body push you into blind restlessness or into performing some premature, wrongly timed or even needless action just to somehow get some relief from having to register your mental anxiety and physical discomfort?  Will you in fact question your assumptions as to the real nature of your shaky physical ego in the everyday world of dualistic and seperative cognition and activity?  Will you question the compulsion to endlessly continue in your usual approach to your daily life?  There is a better way to live your day and you can find it.


Does your daily practical and social life have to be as heavy and neurotic, unaware and insensitive, as it usually is for you?  Can you question your assumptions about what your life requires from you?


Can you learn to question the actual nature of your being?  Are you integrated or fragmented?  Are you real or unreal?  You may want to notice that when you are unreal, then the future possible outcomes become more important to you than the actual quality of your living presence in the here and now.  When you do not identify your reality with the here and now, then you are unreal in the here and now.  When this is happening, your reality, your presence, dissolves into daydreams. Only in daydreams do you have a picture of yourself, of being an actual individual.  But a daydream individuality is a fantasy, a pseudo-reality, a falsehood!  With such an unreal self of daydreams, you are an existential nothing in actual life, which explains why you are imprisoned in hopes and fears, with endless considerings about what other absent people may do or not do about you or toward you.  Your false existence then revolves around the false existences of others.


Now, if you are self-honestly observant and questioning of your routines, habits, moods and assumptions about your everyday being and way of living, then and only then do you get into a valid position for the self-honest observation and questioning of your routines, habits, moods and assumptions about your possible or actual events, states or opportunities in the occult, the miraculous, the Divine and the cosmic.  There is a real connection between your assumptions about ordinary human life and your assumptions about extraordinary superhuman life.  Have you seen how much you still cling to dull, arrogant and neurotic normalcy with other people and society in general?  Although you have seen so much mounting evidence of the true nature of humanity, of their world of spiritual silliness, of ignorance, lying, vanity, sorrow, hatred and fear; why is your heart still clinging to the world and its false, pretentious institutions and arrangements?  Why do you continue to cultivate ambitions, concerns or reactions that have nothing to do with your real evolution, improvement or spiritual progress?


Each and every day you are subject to mysterious inner pressures, emotional turbulence and intellectual confusion that keep you in a pattern of failure in both practical life and spiritual development.  Because of your usual daily states, you are not viable on Earth or in Heaven.  So your most real step you need to take right now is to seriously question your assumptions about yourself (and others) in both ordinary and extraordinary life.


One place you can fruitfully question right at this moment is in regard to the way you read an article such as this one.  What is the value of merely reading or hearing various kinds of teachings if you cannot shift your inner position of consciousness to a place in yourself where the instructions you receive have enough energy and personal power to benefit from a transmission to the point of a new and genuine realization?  Do you understand this issue?