Watching Personal Karmic Cycles


An extremely indignant person always gets back the same kind of treatment they are so easily giving out to others.  An intelligent and observant person will therefore be self-critical and learn to laugh at his or her own judgmental ego trips and personal karmic cycles. There will be a growing awareness beyond the brain and its mechanical thinking, judgment and reaction patterns.  Everything going on in the brain must be seen without the immaturity of self-defense or deliberate confusion.  The brain itself will try to substitute its usual thinking for real seeing, awareness or perception.

I know that you do not believe you are getting the decisive teachings or answers you want from me or my oracle that would make you feel calm, confident and certain.  Do you want to know the real reason for your disappointment?  It is the problem that your emotionally disturbed state is preventing the higher truth from reaching you that would itself put an end to your upset state.  Your emotional disturbance feeds off itself at the expense of your higher inner capacity of truth.  This is a vicious feedback loop in your own cognitive system operating in your physical brain.  It is this system, this ever repeating brain pattern that is giving you useless expectations, demands, judgments and disappointments that have nothing to do with my reality or any other reality of anyone or anything.

So what is to be done about all this?  Back up and make a truly fresh beginning from a higher and better place in yourself than the karmic ego operating in and through the physical brain.

Try to understand that your primary Guru is within your own inmost consciousness.  The secondary Guru is an outer person who can initiate you through helping you activate some potential that is emerging in your being or who can give you some helpful supplemental advice.  The primary Guru is there within your own growing aspiration and effort.  When you are clear from within yourself what you need, a secondary Guru can sometimes, if necessary, show you how to get it.  Let us say, for example, that you are thirsty in a desert.  The primary Guru is appearing to you as (A) a burning thirst and (B) a hot, bewildering desert; which might cause the secondary Guru to appear on your journey and tell you where water can be found.  The secondary Guru points the way to water, but the primary Guru drinks the water with you as a deep inner empathy.  In actual fact, one reaches stages in one’s life where both Gurus are needed.  Understanding this is going to be increasingly important for your progress.  That is why the question, “Do I need a Teacher?” is generally a useless contradiction.  It is primary Teacher who will tell you or show you when and where you need the secondary outer Teacher.

Also try to remember that a truly spiritual mind of real inner depth cannot be pushed into angry judgment on the one hand or frantic anxiety on the other.  Such a mind sees what is going on with a penetrating clarity.  It never feels pressured by something into blind aggression or foolish panic. Such a mind is not caught in debilitating personal karmic cycles.

Now, to return to your problem of disappointment with this or that spiritual authority, leader or teacher; it must be said that your ordinary faculty of learning is inadequate.  For real learning and progress you will have to develop a new, better faculty for all this.  This means that you will have to stop exerting mere social power or relating to this or that form of social power or outer influence.  The use of social power is always a competition as to whether you will dominate or be dominated or whether this or that outer social influence or group can put down some other social influencer or group.  “Oh, him.  Well, he is nothing but an X, Y or Z.”  Real power is not exerted as competition and comparison.  Real power is only through competition with oneself as when one overcomes a useless attitude in oneself or corrects a bad habit.  Any victory in this inner struggle tends to go unseen and unapplauded.  That is why we see people who are heavily into social power, social competition and confrontation, so often neglectful of their own condition, who fail to take proper care of themselves, for their aim is to be social winners rather than to achieve successful self-realization.  Think about it. Which would you really prefer to be:

(A)       A famous and much sought after popular figure who is physically ill and in pain from cancer.

(B)     An unknown, unpopular and ignored person who happens to be in a state of perfect health, immortality and constant surges of Divine ecstasy and bliss with omniscient revelations constantly playing in the consciousness?

If you want to learn to love real light of discrimination and wisdom, learn to see what the darkness of social egoism is doing to you.  Learn to see what really helps you and what does not.

Do you really want to understand Shambhala?  Then understand that there is nothing written about Shambhala anywhere that tells you anything that can be even slightly compared to what your own awakening of real Divine self-nature within you can and will reveal to you.  And, for this to happen, you are going to have to learn to raise your Quantum Kundalini Power through breathing with mantras and uniting your consciousness with superconsciousness in states of heightened awareness.

Get out of your social confrontations and anxieties about outer people and scenes of mere social spirituality.  All your pleasures and self-disciplines must belong to your own private and anonymous real nature.  You do not have to suppress or deny anything or anyone, but you should let those habits or people leave you or give up on you where you have become too inwardly large and aware for them.  Learn to outgrow the whole silly world that surrounds you.  You do not need to be socially important; you need to be liberated and happy.  Only liberated, happy people can give real help and they do it anonymously without getting caught-up in the Maya Web of social spiritual competition.

The real spiritual path of higher human development is completely beyond social and governmental labels and controls.  Social and governmental perceptions and considerations are always fundamentally shallow and blind.  Those who claim influence and authority over the life of any genuine self-realizing individual are simply sadly mistaken.  Only those Gurus, such as Muktananda and Swami Shyam, who have followed careers of social self-importance come to scandals about their sexual involvements.  Mechanical, superficial morality is always uselessly demanded of public figures.  Such figures cannot live a real life on any plane of existence.  Evolutionary Amour Fou, extramarital or non-ordinary sex, for instance, can only be developmentally engaged in by free, private and anonymous people, just as the non-ordinary consciousness of Mexican Sorcerers can only be developed by free, private and anonymous Sorcerers.  The minute there are advertised activities and publicly accessible authorities, experts or groups, nothing real is going to happen in either sex or sorcery.  Social exploitation, scandals and gossip of various sorts are bound to destroy the real potential of both the leaders and the followers.  Any “come one, come all” social spiritual situation is a huge and usually fatal error.  That is why Shambhala will always be a publicly inaccessible location of secret people.  The whole energy and meaning of Shambhala is that it was not, is not and never will be a social power center.  If it were to become publicly available like, say, the Dalai Lama or Chögyam Trungpa’s son, it would no longer be Shambhala.  That is why, from the standpoint of Shambhala, the Dalai Lama and Chögyam Trungpa type of influencers about Us are not with Us and do not represent Us, just as James Redfield’s “Shambhala” is a fanciful farce that he sets up in the social spiritual collective mind and then proceeds to wantonly destroy fancifully in that same stupid collective mind.

I am the King of universal, anonymous, private and free evolutionary development.  I do not give a damn what you call all this, whether “Shambhala” or something else.  I am only interested in the freedom and development of real individuals; I am not concerned about the social standing of my website, my oracle or my apparent personal identity.  Get past your social self and discover your Real Self.  That is what all this will always be fundamentally about.  The “proof” that I am who I am will only be revealed to those who deserve it, not to those who demand it.  Pay more and deeper attention to the things I make available to you and pay less attention to the superficial social confrontations that try to take place about all this.  You do not have to remain a typical contemporary social idiot.  You can awaken a genuine spiritual orientation that takes you completely beyond the whole New Age scene and its silly influencers.  It’s a tough and lonely path, but the only way that really works.  Stop worrying about symbolic identities.  Develop telepathic receptivity and get better at hearing genuine inner guidance of the primary Guru.  That alone will tell you what’s what and where to go involve yourself, if anywhere at all at this time.  There may be the equivalent of a Hidden Valley closer by or more within reach than you know.  Who knows what you may gain or find if you learn to drop your anger and your fear?