Before you rush on to the next note,
read this note about the need to
be absolutely true to yourself in any situation you find yourself
in, which includes the present situation
in which you are coming to this particular note session, which
should be utilized by you as a catalyst for awakening a more
mature approach to everyone and everything in your life.
Look deeply now before the next note
into your ambition to change the world. Events make you
angry, which makes you feel powerless. So you find yourself wanting power to
change the world. But the real power you
need is for change of yourself, the power of self-improvement,
for attaining much greater maturity and awareness. Will you
now change your emphasis at least a little from change-of-the-world
to self-change?
My higher faculties are telling me that your own higher faculties
are quite inactive and under-developed, which means you cannot
know who really does or does not have activated higher faculties
or to what degree. Before you go on to the next note,
question yourself a little more deeply about higher
Do you want to know what is most wrong with the way you are
reading and understanding the notes here? You are too self-enclosed
in your petty little plans, distractions and everyday activities. You
are just not getting the big picture.
Before you go on to the next note,
you will have to confront a terrible fact in this note.
The fact is that the ways you go about trying to inspire yourself
to better reading and greater awakening are themselves flat
and uninspiring. So, before you go on to the next note, find
some real inspiration in yourself.
Are you now inspired enough to realize that you do not need
power of domination over other people? Can you now see that
you need to give the true Divine Power more power over your
own consciousness and decision-making so that you will be less
superficial and distracted in your life, so that you will do
things that count, so that you will spend time in a more conscious
state? Will you now admit that Godself awakening and realization
are infinitely more important for you than your usual petty
human worries and ambitions?
Now this particular note is going
to go very deeply into your efforts at social stabilization
of your life, which includes your ambition to be more respectable
or popular, which is blinding you to right perception of someone
much more mature than yourself who could help you with your
development. This does not imply that you need to meet some
popular teacher or special person you have heard of. What all
this means is that you need a new set of criteria
for connecting with your superiors.
The previous note was trying to
tell you something about the way you fail to learn from your
superiors. In deepest truth, you generally refuse to acknowledge
that you have superiors to yourself in your world, even if
they remain hidden from you and do not announce themselves
to you or show you their miraculous abilities. However, the
good news is that there is an element of cosmic intuition in
yourself that you can self-activate to the point of recognition
of the more activated and developed cosmic intuition in your
superior so that your superior can help accelerate the development
of your cosmic intuition.
Meditate now on how higher cosmic guidance can arrive in
your life. Try to see the mistakes you have been making over
the years of your life so far in regard to judgments of others
based wholly on your own ignorance and vanity. Tune-in better
and connect-up better.
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