If you are a Japanese, Korean of Chinese reader, you will not attain to cosmic consciousness nor naturally dwell in it if you cling to Buddhism or Zen and fail to set them aside.  If you are not a Japanese, Korean or Chinese reader, it is hard to imagine what kind of genuine cosmic consciousness will awaken in your being without a real boost from the Zen transmission of Suprabuddhism.  If you are an extraterrestrial reader, you better make sure you have got the best Earth has to offer before you discard it, just as a bee should not leave the flower until it has sucked-in the nectar.


If you can find a better teaching or transmission somewhere else, why are you here?  If you cannot find a better teaching or transmission somewhere else, why are you not giving absolute unparalleled attention to this very note?


Give yourself a few moments to decide exactly how you will tackle this suggestion.


This uniquely incredible note should have gone on further, but it had to stop short here so you yourself can catch up.


Have you ever reached a special moment in your superconscious understanding of this note?


Would it be possible for you to refuse to try to understand this question?


Whatever turns me on will turn on my own kind.  This note is about complete resonance of its meaning.


Absolute experience of the absolute truth of this note is possible only for an absolute reader.  As a relative reader, try to see what an absolute reader is without engaging your relative knowledge, judgments or speculations.  Then it is O.K. to read the next note somehow.


Picture yourself up against an impenetrable diamond wall on another planet that will not allow you to pass through it and meet with your all-fulfilling beloved who awaits anxiously on the other side.  Then read the next note for the solution to any form of total frustration.


Picture yourself facing an impenetrable diamond wall between you and Enlightenment that utilizes any useful analogy of such an impasse until you have located the limited causal nature of any kind of frustration whatsoever.  Once you are clear about the common element of any and all frustration on any apparent “level” of it, read the diamond drilling next note.


Absolute Awareness of the Absolute Truth of any situation is a “diamond drill”.  If you can see the potential power of such awareness and truth, you are qualified to read the next note.


If you and your beloved do not attain Vajrakaya(s), diamond-hard, immutable, permanent and lasting human bodies of fullest sexual ability, you are headed for tragic separation when one dies, plus inability to make love on the other side once you are both there.  “Eternal love” is only possible for two diamond-bodied Vajrakaya Buddhas of divine being-consciousness-bliss-power.  What then are you two readers going to really do about all this?


If you are a single reader without a beloved, would you prefer absolute Enlightenment in heaven rather than on Earth?  If not, do you have some secret desire that might spoil your Enlightenment?  Aurobindo and his partner, The Mother, tried to supramentalize the physical body without being in love.  They wanted a kind of show-offy, sterile and celibate personal physical “perfection” or siddhi.  Do you agree with such a vainglorious aim or would you prefer permanent fulfilment across-the-board?




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