Regardless of what kind of body and cognitive apparatus you have on whatever planet you are able to receive this note, you should try to avoid pursuing a time-bound causal aim or goal about all this, but rather you should awaken your most clear awareness of what your time-bound causal activities are doing to you.  By thus putting yourself in the Great Position of Real Awareness of and beyond time-bound causal selfhood, which is itself a mere reflection and false self, all your usual problems and opportunities will drop away into virtual irrelevance.


This note recommends that you take a little rest from both practical worldly turmoil and tension of other-worldly spiritual ambition, letting yourself be aware that both of these time-bound causal efforts of egotism are refusals to be aware.  The next note should be read, if it still seems necessary, with peace of mind beyond all worries and achievements.


Eternal Life is the natural functional presence of Real Awareness beyond causal time-bound efforts of self-improvement.  You can have complete faith in this truth if you actually see it for yourself directly in Real Awareness. Eternal Life is not cultivated through clever ideas and posturings of some vain, pretentious or hopeful causal ego as a path through time to fend off death in time.  Can you connect with Eternal Life before the next note?


This note is Cosmic because it can be read anywhere in any universe in any time-situation with Real Awareness by anyone who is awake in the fullest meaning of it.  There is no need for organic limitation before the dawning of the next note on the reading horizon.


The Universe Internet can access the Internet of Earth, but the Internet of Earth cannot access the Universe Internet.  Why is this?  Start by going on the Internet of Earth and looking at stuff like the pornography sites.


Real Awareness of the actual state of six billion time-bound causal egos projecting their worrisome futures and making their selfish efforts within the time-bound causal sphere of the Earth could potentially put things in better perspective about what is and is not possible along the lines of evil action and spiritual darkness.


Your own personal time-bound hopes and fears, including your efforts to get and avoid, are just an insignificant speck in the totality of the humanity of your planet of which you are a member.  Are you aware of this?  Please be aware of it for your own good before you read the next note.


Spiritual confusion and aspiration of causal time-bound selfishness are incredibly commonplace and naïve.  Do not bring such confusion or aspiration to the next note or you will be unaware of the real message there.


This note is a sudden awakening of the real reader.






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