This note is probably kind of sneaky,
though not by design. For instance, you will probably not be
able to detect any promising learning you
are having deep within yourself from all this because the learning
is too deep for someone on your superficial
level to regard is as “learning”. In fact, it is
unlikely (for the same reason) that this note
will mean to you what it actually means. At any rate, all has
been done for you here that can be
done even though you cannot know at this time what has in fact
actually been done. Now, go ahead and read the next note
without uselessly upsetting yourself over your present level.
There is a secret message for you in this note
that might break through into your
consciousness in a few years if all goes well. In the meantime,
carry on as best you can without knowing it. It is, after all,
only one of many things you are not qualified to discover.
As a consolation, you are offered the next note.
That note-reading is a long, slow
process for you is to be expected. This note
itself brings it out for you very nicely if you are even slightly
aware of your actual status in spiritual evolution.
Please cheerfully engage in whatever aspect of all this is
within your comprehension. And please do not kick-up a fuss
over what our more advanced readers get from this note
that you cannot possibly get at this
It has been duly registered that you are really trying to
be more aware with deeper understanding in all this. You have
our utmost sympathy that you are not able at this time to be
significantly more aware nor able to get into a greatly deeper
understanding. It is indeed somewhat unfortunate. So, please
go on to the next note in any way
that is comfortable and congenial for you. No one expects anything
from you that you are just not up to.
Our advanced readers want to take the opportunity of this note
to also sympathize with you in your present state of being.
They sincerely hope you will be able to eventually seize an
opportunity in the future to catch up a little and find some
real progress you can identify with.
Do not get down on yourself if you cannot see anything missing in this note
no matter how hard you try. You expect too much from yourself
in all this. Go easy and accept your destiny. Just get on with
the next note with confidence.
Do not be discouraged. This very
note is perfectly designed to give a little learning and progress
to even someone with your cognitive
disabilities and emotional problems.
The great path of superhuman evolution may be out of reach
for you at this time, but this note
has a little miracle in it that even you can
see if you really want to.
Your present state of mind about notes is
not without a slightly meaningful factor you can discover
if you feel up to it at this time, but we are not demanding that
you make such a rigorous cognitive effort. If you prefer to
postpone, that is perfectly understandable and acceptable.
We are delighted to announce the end of this note
session, which has tested the patience of our advanced readers.
As for you and other pathetics who
try so hard, we are sorry we cannot try harder and do more
for you at this time. Please feel free to come to the next note
session and try some more to get a little something out of
it all.
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