Your brain is completely misinterpreting the actual meaning of this note.  Is it because you have not been through the previous sessions?  Or is it due to some on-going learning problem?


Your brain’s interpretation of this note is pretty much all you can get here.


Observe carefully the way your brain handles this note and then how it goes on to the next note as if it actually did “handle” this note.


This note sees no further need to criticize you or your brain because it is clear that any criticism would be lost on both you and your brain due to your imagination that you somehow are your brain, which is a deplorably ignorant identification that is not worth discussing.


How much you want to make up after reading this note will determine the degree of learning you will have in trying to solve the puzzle of what this note is focusing on the most in conscious awareness beyond your brain and its useless interpretation of all this ambiguity.


Your actual response to the previous note is worse than pathetic. You obviously do not want a real awakening here.  Why do you bother to come here at all?







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