The more you rely
on the memories of previous Note
Sessions to interpret this Note Session
for yourself, the less you are going to understand what is
really going on here in these new Notes. Try to see how
your mind is virtually nothing but a bundle of memories that
is always interpreting the present in terms of a presumed continuity
of the past.
This note
as experienced by you is not separate from you-the-experiencer. This
actual non-duality is a barrier to
higher perception.
Your efforts to cultivate
higher awareness that are empowered by Notes should cause
your practical daily activities to harmonize with such higher
efforts. Practical living exists for human
awareness, not higher awareness for practical living.
This note is about the real connection
that exists between the purity of
your way of life and the quality of
your consciousness. Do you see it?
The ways of the Guiding
Spirit of Ultimate Awakening are very mysterious indeed.
Take this note,
for instance. Your concept of the existence or non-existence
of such a Guiding Spirit or God, is itself a failure of awareness.
You are simply not ready to deal with this note.
Time alone will reveal what the Guiding Spirit of Ultimate
Awakening is really about, which means That Being controls
how and when you will understand That Being. You do not hold
the schedule of your progressive awakening.
Be patient with yourself
in all this. Do not be hasty or
greedy for a big breakthrough. Each note you read here
is just another drop in the bucket. Do not worry about
when the bucket will overflow. However, it will eventually
indeed overflow, at which time you will suddenly realize what
all this is really about.
There is no way to second-guess a deep inner progress.
You could make
an incremental step in your progress immediately if you will
make a special new effort about this note
right here at this time, but no one can tell you what exactly
your special new effort should be. You will have to
see that for yourself.
One of the greatest needs
in your life is to meditate more comprehensively on your
whole pattern of values and efforts. Are all so-called “values” real values
for you? Are all so-called “efforts” real efforts
by you?
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