This note is asking you to recognize your real awareness beyond your conditioned consciousness that has been shaped and influenced by stupid people and mechanical society from the day your present body was born on Earth.  Can you see directly for yourself that your real awareness is completely without fear, has no frustrated hopes or ambitions, and is serenely clear without doubts or confusions?  Give yourself a glimpse of your real, transcendental awareness before you go on to the next note.  This higher glimpsing experience is indispensable for your personal progress in the Universe.


Now, are you able to understand that your conditioned physical mind is nothing but an accumulated mass of second-hand knowledge, useless beliefs, heedless disbeliefs, wobbling contradictions and self-destructive emotional reactions?  Do you see how your conditioned physical mind is what causes all your troubles, disappointments, sorrows and wrong explanations?  Be totally clear about your conditioned physical mind for at least a moment or two before the next note.


This note wants you to see for yourself that your conditioned physical mind is not representative of your most real, fundamental and natural self.  You can and must break away from it and from the world of mechanical stupidity that maintains it.  You must learn to rise beyond it in real awareness and then, from that position, transform your old physical mind into a clarified instrument and channel of your real awareness for fulfilling your most high and real purpose in life.  If you see this necessity, go on to the next note.   If you do not, then try to see how you are deplorably and hopelessly stuck in your everyday physical mind.


Your everyday conditioned physical mind can read Notes; it can even aspire in its own neurotic, silly way to search for a new life that will unfold and demonstrate miraculous personal powers, but it is not the Self that can fulfill such a quest.  Can you face this fact before you read the next note?


Let’s look more deeply into the evolutionary hope that the everyday conditioned physical mind believes it can somehow fulfill.  Can you understand that all attempts of your mechanical outer mind to penetrate higher spiritual realms or dimensions are bound to fail?  Can you see that this is especially true when it imagines it is succeeding?  Do not go to the next note without coming completely to terms with yourself about your tendency to pretend that your everyday physical mind has somehow acquired spirituality.


This note is about genuine spirituality, which is a breakthrough into the Void, the realm of the Real Unknown, the unfamiliar and unconditioned.  And this explains why most readers here are failures in all this.  They try to incorporate the higher realms into their usual, habitual and familiar ways of their outer life and outer, physical pursuits.   They want the higher to conform to the lower, which causes them to endlessly deceive themselves about all this.  Avoiding the Unknown and unfamiliar realms of the Void beyond, they prefer their falsely assumed spirituality of mere words, prejudiced authorities and exotic decorations or clothing.  Before you go to the next note, take a hard look at how you yourself disintegrate real spiritual development and turn it into complacent pseudo-spiritual materialism of your physical taste, convenience and superficial choices of books or people to visit.  Without seeing the false and superficial, there is no chance for the true and deep.


Superconsciousness exists potentially in everyone, but virtually all people remain asleep to it.  Your task is to fully and truly awaken to that real potential in yourself, which is the real reason you are here reading this note.   It is also the only true purpose in attending the next note session.





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