You are not the Real Reader of
According to the teachings of Zen, you have only had a brief
moment to awaken to the wonderful meaning of this note
before it falls into permanent oblivion.
Your greatest personal experience so far in life is nothing
compared to what will happen within you when the Earth disappears
into a sudden vortex of cosmic stoppage.
A perfect reading of this note
is completely unnecessary for the average reader.
Your sex-life is
going to become more intense in the near future because you
gave a lot of personal attention to this amazingly
significant note in
your life. This is true for any reader
of this note even if they never bother
to read any other note. Therefore, “read Note 5
of Session 288; you’ll see why when you do it”,
will soon become a common advice on planet Earth. It’s
a kind of magic.
This note is virtually nothing
to most terrestrial readers of the previous note,
but it has devastating significance for extraterrestrial readers.
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