Does reading this particular note put you into a strange inner feeling of contact with someone or something beyond your comprehension?


Would you like to arrive at this note without having to carry a burden of strain to understand?  If so, then let us ask how we decide what is worth understanding if we do not already have a preliminary understanding that tells us that?  Surely you can see from this that your growth in understanding is inevitable as you learn to reach out into the Unknown without the constriction of prejudice or useless, unquestioned assumptions.  Is it not refreshing to allow your genuine understanding to lead you beyond your everyday limited consciousness?


In India , Guru is one of the names of God. Among the Muslims, Hadi (Guide) is also one of the names of God.  But for modern, clever Westerners, “Guru” is an insult word implying a wretched cult-leader.  So what is going on here?  Sociologically, both theology and anti-theology are socio-cognitive states of socially constructed realities.   The Western cognitive sociologist is the new accepted Guru of modern Western man.  But even that teacher goes unheeded.   Even if we can rise beyond social conditioning into the teachings of J Krishnamurti, it is just a subtler trap.  Try to understand that Guru is whoever or whatever helps you toward greater understanding and higher functioning.   Guru is a very serious and important channel of Divine Awareness and Power.  To disparage Guru is a sign of hellish inability to evolve, regardless of how high a level of intelligence the disparager is stuck on, like J Krishnamurti.


Before you go on to the next Note Session, remember that whoever or whatever helps you is the Guru.   Only you can know if you are helped.   No wretched modern materialist can pass judgment on things of the Spirit.





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