Gradually over a period of almost a year
of producing ever new fresh Note-Sessions,
we have put forth particular ideas and challenges that have
had the effect of weeding-out many superficial, undesirable
readers through turning-them-off on purpose. We have
also put the more promising readers through their paces to
help ripen their cognitive faculties and spiritual orientations
to the point where they could benefit from certain transmissions
that would have been otherwise premature. This small
cluster of persistent and maturing readers is who all this
is for. Many feel attracted to Notes,
but only a few can benefit and sustain an engagement of maturing
awareness. All of this has implications far beyond this
website and its visitors. Our maturing readers
will increasingly understand this. Our immature readers
will of course keep showing up intermittently to be confused,
argue or otherwise have neurotic episodes or useless considerations
and judgments.
This note is about
the core process of Notes. In
the light of the above discussion, what is your new understanding
of the function and meaning of Notes?
Notes are often most
effective as self-referencing statements such as this one.
At other times, the given Note has
to simply transmit a necessary new perspective to the reader.
And at yet other times, you feel that you yourself are
being directly challenged about the actual states you get yourself
into about all this and even everything else. Of course,
there are also Notes we can call Mystery
This note is almost a mystery note,
but not quite, as you can plainly
see. Of course, there may be a reader here or there for whom this note
actually is a full-blown mystery note.
Perhaps that is because the Aliens are
mentioned here. Of course, our extraterrestrial readers
will find all this rather sad and bemusing as they detect our
little band of faithful Earth-readers going through their paces
in all this.
This note is about the huge mystery beyond
Notes that perplexes you the most lately.
This note is about
all the exaggerated little problems of ordinary human life
that are distracting Earthbound humanity from facing and solving
the big problems caused by humanity and its abusive, lying
leaders. Can you
see where you yourself tend to exaggerate your personal problems
and challenges in a way that blinds you to the complex whole
of life? Will you learn to look at totality of life on
all levels? There is much more there than stupid humanity
and their self-destructive problems. There is something
cosmic nearby that knows exactly what to do about humanity
at the rightly timed moment. Try to see what it is before
you read the next note.
If you are not an extraordinary reader who reads this note
from an unusual and highly aware perspective, you are not actually
getting much benefit here. Be a real individual! Be
fully Alive and Intense! If you are rather boring and
uninteresting, it does not matter much as long as you yourself
are intensely interested in all this and the way it is unfolding.
Intensify your interest in the whole complexity of life
before you read the next note.
Do you know what it means to find yourself naturally
still and quiet without an effort to achieve a goal or to rid
yourself of anything annoying? Do you know what it means
to allow everything,
including the little movements of your own consciousness as
it gets drawn into simple Awareness-of-Being as
a truly living state rather than a dead ideal projected by
the brain that reads spiritual books? Do you sense what
real maturity does about the world, and more importantly, what
it stops doing
about the world? Allow all this to dawn upon you before
the next note
without making a problem or struggle out of it.
Do you know what it means to pass invisibly
and quietly through the world like an elf through the forest? Can
you see how much grander life and nature are than the rigid
patterns of what busy, unaware people do? Will you let
yourself learn to disappear a little before you come to the next note-session?
Here for the NEXT SESSION
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