Before you enter into the Note-Session,
picture an unbelievably stupid reader who does not see that this note
is already in the Note-Session anyway,
which means that the reader is too stupid to picture stupidity!
Dullness and boring flatness are what happens when a reader
does not know what to do about this note.
This note can
awaken super-consciousness in a turned-on reader. So,
let us go into the idea of being “turned-on”.
Even better: let us disregard the prerequisite to be “turned-on” and
simply awaken super-consciousness. Is that O.K. for you?
Maybe it would be simpler for you to “awaken”.
Are you ready for that? You probably think you
are. But are you?
Maybe you need to get back to the idea of getting “turned-on”.
Are you getting “turned-on”? No? Then
it is too late because this note is
over, finished and useless at this point.
Try to understand that I really
do know
how your mind works as well as how it fails to
work. This note is a matter
of expertise for me. It is my profession,
you might say. Will you try harder to understand why
you need this note?
Good. I knew you would
make the needed effort to understand.
You could make a better
effort to understand this particular
So, the question is: are you ready to take a step?
Here for the NEXT SESSION
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