You may find this all more meaningful and inspiring if you
first go through the previous thirty-four sessions. You could
read one or two each day until you catch up. You might also
drop out sooner if your intelligence is weak or stuck in certain
kinds of prejudice, denial or cognitive dissonance.
The average Earthbound human being is unable to get to this
message and increase his or her intelligence. This applies
even if they try reading the words. You are most fortunate
if you are not an average Earthbound human being. You are even
more fortunate if you are not on the Earth planet at all. It
is hard to imagine any intelligent being who would not be injured
by direct contact with the subhuman Earth people.
You might want to consider the development of a new and better
reason for reading this particular
statement, which is filled with inconsistent radiation as it
makes its way beyond the delusional psychic sphere surrounding
the unhappy Earth planet.
If you are one of the Earth people, this message
will not help you in any way. In fact, the next message
is even more unhelpful and should be carefully ignored in your
usual manner you adopt when you have decided to ignore something.
Yes, some Earth people have a little ability in telepathy,
but they do not do well with it because of their desire to
dominate non-telepathic Earth people and exploit them for secondary
The average Earth reader is so boring that he or she does
not even want to know how to be more conscious and interesting.
No form of intelligent compassion has been able to reach and
stimulate average Earth readers. This is particularly true
when they imagine they have been reached and stimulated already
by all this.
There is nothing more sad than watching an average Earth reader trying to understand what this message
is really all about.
If you are extraterrestrial, please feel free to recommend
this Earth website to your family and friends. It will do them
good. But if you are an Earth person, be careful about showing
this website to your family or friends, for it will turn them
against you and make your life lonely and miserable.
Picture a planet out there
somewhere far away, that is so much more intelligent in its
people than your people, that it usually does not occur to
you how such super-intelligent people actually live or go
about their business. Then realize that the kind of people
you usually think of as "super-intelligent" are
actually quite crude and backward beside the super-intelligent
people we are talking about who you never know about. And,
remember, the Earth people cannot even conceive of you and your people.
That should tell you something important.
You have had enough for now. It is time for an amazing new
step in your meditations on all this. You have no idea how
fucked-up the planet Earth has become.
Here for the NEXT SESSION
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