Before you read the next note,
make yourself be more clear why you are alive in a physical
body on the Earth at this horrible time in human history. Are
you here to worry, complain and be depressed about the world?
Or are you here to seize an incredible personal opportunity
to secretly develop yourself with a few companions who resonate
with your spiritual quest?
This note is about
a new kind of note that
you will notice is cropping up increasingly in spite of the
fact that most readers just don’t get it. It is
time to shift gears and get ready for next year’s Notes.
Read this note with
You have some higher awareness in spite of your generally
self-enclosed dullness. If you work with what you already
have, you will get more. Feed that little trickle!
Do not be discouraged over your lack of higher intelligence. This note
alone gives it a little boost in spite of all your bodily resistance.
Wherever there is aspiration toward the awakening of higher
intelligence there is a real chance of increasing it precisely
because there is at least a little attention to the positive
energy pattern hidden within this note-session.
This note decrees that you are
heading for a great new awakening of higher awareness and real
living with your free spirit of horny humorous happiness as
you connect-up increasingly with the Mobile Autonomy Zone,
the M.A.Z.
Here for the NEXT SESSION
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